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Changes in release 3.23.34

   * Added the `INNOBASE' table handler and the `BDB' table handler to
     the MySQL source distribution.

   * Updated the documentation about `GEMINI' tables.

   * Fixed a bug in `INSERT DELAYED' that caused threads to hang when
     inserting `NULL' into an `AUTO_INCREMENT' column.

   * Fixed a bug in `CHECK TABLE' / `REPAIR TABLE' that could cause a
     thread to hang.

   * `REPLACE' will not replace a row that conflicts with an
     `auto_increment' generated key.

   * `mysqld' now only sets `CLIENT_TRANSACTIONS' in
     `mysql->server_capabilities' if the server supports a
     transaction-safe handler.

   * Fixed `LOAD DATA INFILE' to allow numeric values to be read into
     `ENUM' and `SET' columns.

   * Improved error diagnostic for slave thread exit.

   * Fixed bug in `ALTER TABLE ... ORDER BY'.

   * Added option `max_user_connections' to `mysqld'.

   * Limit query length for replication by `max_allowed_packet', not the
     arbitrary limit of 4 MB.

   * Allow space around `=' in argument to `--set-variable'.

   * Fixed problem in automatic repair that could leave some threads in
     state `Waiting for table'.

   * `SHOW CREATE TABLE' now dumps the `UNION()' for `MERGE' tables.

   * `ALTER TABLE' now remembers the old `UNION()' definition.

   * Fixed bug when replicating timestamps.

   * Fixed bug in bidirectional replication.

   * Fixed bug in the `BDB' table handler that occurred when using an
     index on multi-part key where a key part may be `NULL'.

   * Fixed `MAX()' optimization on sub-key for `BDB' tables.

   * Fixed problem where garbage results were returned when using `BDB'
     tables and `BLOB' or `TEXT' fields when joining many tables.

   * Fixed a problem with `BDB' tables and `TEXT' columns.

   * Fixed bug when using a `BLOB' key where a const row wasn't found.

   * Fixed that `mysqlbinlog' writes the timestamp value for each query.
     This ensures that one gets same values for date functions like
     `NOW()' when using `mysqlbinlog' to pipe the queries to another

   * Allow one to use `--skip-gemini', `--skip-bdb' and
     `--skip-innobase' to `mysqld' even if these databases are not
     compiled in `mysqld'.

   * One can now do `GROUP BY ... DESC'.

   * Fixed a deadlock in the `SET' code, when one ran `SET @foo=bar',
     where `bar' is a column reference, an error was not properly

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