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Changes in release 3.23.44

   * Fixed `Rows_examined' count in slow query log.

   * Fixed bug when using a reference to a `AVG()' column in `HAVING'.

   * Fixed that date functions that require correct dates, like
     `DAYOFYEAR(column)' will return `NULL' for `0000-00-00' dates.

   * Fixed bug in const-propagation when comparing columns of different
     types. (`SELECT * FROM date_col="2001-01-01" and

   * Fixed bug that caused error message `Can't write, because of unique
     constraint' with some `GROUP BY' queries.

   * Fixed problem with sjis character strings used within quoted table

   * Fixed coredump when using `CREATE ... FULLTEXT' keys with other
     table handlers than MyISAM.

   * Don't use `signal()' on windows because this appears to not be 100
     % reliable.

   * Fixed bug when doing `WHERE column_name=NULL' on an indexed column
     that had `NULL' values.

   * Fixed bug when doing `LEFT JOIN ...  ON (column_name = constant)
     WHERE column_name = constant'.

   * When using replications, aborted queries that contained `%' could
     cause a core dump.

   * `TCP_NODELAY' was not used on some systems. (Speed problem).

   * Applied portability fixes for OS/2 (Patch by Yuri Dario).

The following changes are for `InnoDB' tables:

   * Add missing `InnoDB' variables to `SHOW VARIABLES'.

   * Foreign keys checking is now done for `InnoDB' tables.

   * `DROP DATABASE' now works also for `InnoDB' tables.

   * `InnoDB' now supports data files and raw disk partitions bigger
     than 4 GB on those operating systems which have big files.

   * `InnoDB' calculates better table cardinality estimates for the
     MySQL optimizer.

   * Accent characters in the default character set latin1 are ordered
     according to the MySQL ordering.

     NOTE: if you are using latin1 and have inserted characters whose
     code is > 127 to an indexed CHAR column, you should run CHECK
     TABLE on your table when you upgrade to 3.23.44, and drop and
     reimport the table if CHECK TABLE reports an error!

   * A new `my.cnf' parameter `innodb_thread_concurrency' helps in
     performance tuning in heavily concurrent environments.

   * A new `my.cnf' parameter `innodb_fast_shutdown' speeds up server

   * A new `my.cnf' parameter `innodb_force_recovery' helps to save
     your data in case the disk image of the database becomes corrupt.

   * `innodb_monitor' has been improved and a new
     `innodb_table_monitor' added.

   * Increased maximum key length from 500 to 7000 bytes.

   * Fixed a bug in replication of auto-inc columns with multiline

   * Fixed a bug when the case of letters changes in an update of an
     indexed secondary column.

   * Fixed a hang when there are > 24 data files.

   * Fixed a crash when `MAX(col)' is selected from an empty table, and
     col is a not the first column in a multi-column index.

   * Fixed a bug in purge which could cause crashes.

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