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Changes in release 3.23.50

   * Fixed problem with `crash-me' and gcc 3.0.4.

   * Fixed that `@@unknown_variable' doesn't hang server.

   * Added `@@VERSION' as a synonym for `VERSION()'.

   * `SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'xxx'' is now case insensitive.

   * Fixed timeout for `GET_LOCK()' on HPUX with DCE threads.

   * Fixed memory allocation bug in the glibc library used to build
     Linux binaries, which caused mysqld to die in 'free()'.

   * Fixed `SIGINT' and `SIGQUIT' problems in `mysql'.

   * Fixed bug in character table converts when used with big ( > 64K)

   * `InnoDB' now retains foreign key constraints through `ALTER TABLE'

   * `InnoDB' now allows foreign key constraints to be added through the
     `ALTER TABLE' syntax.

   * `InnoDB' tables can now be set to automatically grow in size

   * Fixed some buffer overflow problems when reading startup

   * Because of problems on shutdown we have now disabled named pipes on
     windows by default.  One can enable named pipes by starting mysqld
     with `--enable-named-pipe'.

   * Fixed bug when using `WHERE key_column = 'J' or key_column='j''.

   * Fixed core-dump bug when using `--log-bin' with `LOAD DATA INFILE'
     without an active database.

   * Fixed bug in `RENAME TABLE' when used with
     `lower_case_table_names=1' (default on Windows).

   * Fixed unlikely core-dump bug when using `DROP TABLE' on a table
     that was in use by a thread that also used queries on only
     temporary tables.

   * Fixed problem with `SHOW CREATE TABLE' and `PRIMARY KEY' when using
     32 indexes.

   * Fixed that one can use `SET PASSWORD' for the anonymous user.

   * Fixed core-dump bug when reading client groups from option files
     using `mysql_options()'.

   * Memory leak (16 bytes per every *corrupted* table) closed.

   * Fixed binary builds to use `--enable-local-infile'.

   * Update source to work with new `bison' version.

   * Updated shell scripts to new agree with new POSIX standard.

   * Fixed bug where `DATE_FORMAT()' returned empty string when used
     with `GROUP BY'.

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