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What Results Can I Get From a Query?

In addition to the result set returned by a query, you can also get the
following information:

   * `mysql_affected_rows()' returns the number of rows affected by the
     last query when doing an `INSERT', `UPDATE', or `DELETE'. An
     exception is that if `DELETE' is used without a `WHERE' clause, the
     table is re-created empty, which is much faster! In this case,
     `mysql_affected_rows()' returns zero for the number of records

   * `mysql_num_rows()' returns the number of rows in a result set.
     With `mysql_store_result()', `mysql_num_rows()' may be called as
     soon as `mysql_store_result()' returns.  With `mysql_use_result()',
     `mysql_num_rows()' may be called only after you have fetched all
     the rows with `mysql_fetch_row()'.

   * `mysql_insert_id()' returns the ID generated by the last query
     that inserted a row into a table with an `AUTO_INCREMENT' index.
     Note: `mysql_insert_id()'.

   * Some queries (`LOAD DATA INFILE ...', `INSERT INTO ... SELECT
     ...', `UPDATE') return additional information.  The result is
     returned by `mysql_info()'.  See the description for `mysql_info()'
     for the format of the string that it returns.  `mysql_info()'
     returns a `NULL' pointer if there is no additional information.

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