GNU Info

Info Node: ( STATUS


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`SHOW STATUS' provides server status information (like `mysqladmin
extended-status'). The output resembles that shown below, though the
format and numbers probably differ:

     | Variable_name            | Value      |
     | Aborted_clients          | 0          |
     | Aborted_connects         | 0          |
     | Bytes_received           | 155372598  |
     | Bytes_sent               | 1176560426 |
     | Connections              | 30023      |
     | Created_tmp_disk_tables  | 0          |
     | Created_tmp_tables       | 8340       |
     | Created_tmp_files        | 60         |
     | Delayed_insert_threads   | 0          |
     | Delayed_writes           | 0          |
     | Delayed_errors           | 0          |
     | Flush_commands           | 1          |
     | Handler_delete           | 462604     |
     | Handler_read_first       | 105881     |
     | Handler_read_key         | 27820558   |
     | Handler_read_next        | 390681754  |
     | Handler_read_prev        | 6022500    |
     | Handler_read_rnd         | 30546748   |
     | Handler_read_rnd_next    | 246216530  |
     | Handler_update           | 16945404   |
     | Handler_write            | 60356676   |
     | Key_blocks_used          | 14955      |
     | Key_read_requests        | 96854827   |
     | Key_reads                | 162040     |
     | Key_write_requests       | 7589728    |
     | Key_writes               | 3813196    |
     | Max_used_connections     | 0          |
     | Not_flushed_key_blocks   | 0          |
     | Not_flushed_delayed_rows | 0          |
     | Open_tables              | 1          |
     | Open_files               | 2          |
     | Open_streams             | 0          |
     | Opened_tables            | 44600      |
     | Questions                | 2026873    |
     | Select_full_join         | 0          |
     | Select_full_range_join   | 0          |
     | Select_range             | 99646      |
     | Select_range_check       | 0          |
     | Select_scan              | 30802      |
     | Slave_running            | OFF        |
     | Slave_open_temp_tables   | 0          |
     | Slow_launch_threads      | 0          |
     | Slow_queries             | 0          |
     | Sort_merge_passes        | 30         |
     | Sort_range               | 500        |
     | Sort_rows                | 30296250   |
     | Sort_scan                | 4650       |
     | Table_locks_immediate    | 1920382    |
     | Table_locks_waited       | 0          |
     | Threads_cached           | 0          |
     | Threads_created          | 30022      |
     | Threads_connected        | 1          |
     | Threads_running          | 1          |
     | Uptime                   | 80380      |

The status variables listed above have the following meaning:

*Variable*                *Meaning*
`Aborted_clients'         Number of connections aborted because the
                          client died without closing the connection
                          properly. Note: Communication errors.
`Aborted_connects'        Number of tries to connect to the MySQL server
                          that failed. Note: Communication errors.
`Bytes_received'          Number of bytes received from all clients.
`Bytes_sent'              Number of bytes sent to all clients.
`Com_xxxx'                Number of times the xxx commands has been
`Connections'             Number of connection attempts to the MySQL
`Created_tmp_disk_tables' Number of implicit temporary tables on disk
                          created while executing statements.
`Created_tmp_tables'      Number of implicit temporary tables in memory
                          created while executing statements.
`Created_tmp_files'       How many temporary files `mysqld' have created.
`Delayed_insert_threads'  Number of delayed insert handler threads in
`Delayed_writes'          Number of rows written with `INSERT DELAYED'.
`Delayed_errors'          Number of rows written with `INSERT DELAYED'
                          for which some error occurred (probably
                          `duplicate key').
`Flush_commands'          Number of executed `FLUSH' commands.
`Handler_delete'          Number of times a row was deleted from a table.
`Handler_read_first'      Number of times the first entry was read from
                          an index.  If this is high, it suggests that
                          the server is doing a lot of full index scans,
                          for example, `SELECT col1 FROM foo', assuming
                          that col1 is indexed.
`Handler_read_key'        Number of requests to read a row based on a
                          key. If this is high, it is a good indication
                          that your queries and tables are properly
`Handler_read_next'       Number of requests to read next row in key
                          order. This will be incremented if you are
                          querying an index column with a range
                          constraint. This also will be incremented if
                          you are doing an index scan.
`Handler_read_rnd'        Number of requests to read a row based on a
                          fixed position.  This will be high if you are
                          doing a lot of queries that require sorting of
                          the result.
`Handler_read_rnd_next'   Number of requests to read the next row in the
                          datafile.  This will be high if you are doing
                          a lot of table scans. Generally this suggests
                          that your tables are not properly indexed or
                          that your queries are not written to take
                          advantage of the indexes you have.
`Handler_update'          Number of requests to update a row in a table.
`Handler_write'           Number of requests to insert a row in a table.
`Key_blocks_used'         The number of used blocks in the key cache.
`Key_read_requests'       The number of requests to read a key block
                          from the cache.
`Key_reads'               The number of physical reads of a key block
                          from disk.
`Key_write_requests'      The number of requests to write a key block to
                          the cache.
`Key_writes'              The number of physical writes of a key block
                          to disk.
`Max_used_connections'    The maximum number of connections in use
`Not_flushed_key_blocks'  Keys blocks in the key cache that has changed
                          but hasn't yet been flushed to disk.
`Not_flushed_delayed_rows'Number of rows waiting to be written in
                          `INSERT DELAY' queues.
`Open_tables'             Number of tables that are open.
`Open_files'              Number of files that are open.
`Open_streams'            Number of streams that are open (used mainly
                          for logging).
`Opened_tables'           Number of tables that have been opened.
`Select_full_join'        Number of joins without keys (If this is 0,
                          you should carefully check the index of your
`Select_full_range_join'  Number of joins where we used a range search
                          on reference table.
`Select_range'            Number of joins where we used ranges on the
                          first table. (It's normally not critical even
                          if this is big.)
`Select_scan'             Number of joins where we did a full scann of
                          the first table.
`Select_range_check'      Number of joins without keys where we check
                          for key usage after each row (If this is 0,
                          you should carefully check the index of your
`Questions'               Number of queries sent to the server.
`Slave_open_temp_tables'  Number of temporary tables currently open by
                          the slave thread
`Slow_launch_threads'     Number of threads that have taken more than
                          `slow_launch_time' to create.
`Slow_queries'            Number of queries that have taken more than
                          `long_query_time'. Note: Slow query log.
`Sort_merge_passes'       Number of merges passes the sort algoritm have
                          had to do. If this value is large you should
                          consider increasing `sort_buffer'.
`Sort_range'              Number of sorts that where done with ranges.
`Sort_rows'               Number of sorted rows.
`Sort_scan'               Number of sorts that where done by scanning
                          the table.
`Table_locks_immediate'   Number of times a table lock was acquired
                          immediately. Available after 3.23.33.
`Table_locks_waited'      Number of times a table lock could not be
                          acquired immediately and a wait was needed. If
                          this is high, and you have performance
                          problems, you should first optimize your
                          queries, and then either split your table(s)
                          or use replication. Available after 3.23.33.
`Threads_cached'          Number of threads in the thread cache.
`Threads_connected'       Number of currently open connections.
`Threads_created'         Number of threads created to handle
`Threads_running'         Number of threads that are not sleeping.
`Uptime'                  How many seconds the server has been up.

Some comments about the above:

   * If `Opened_tables' is big, then your `table_cache' variable is
     probably too small.

   * If `key_reads' is big, then your `key_buffer_size' variable is
     probably too small.  The cache hit rate can be calculated with

   * If `Handler_read_rnd' is big, then you probably have a lot of
     queries that require MySQL to scan whole tables or you have joins
     that don't use keys properly.

   * If `Threads_created' is big, you may want to increase the
     `thread_cache_size' variable.

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