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GNU Info ( MySQL Users **************** This appendix lists some users of MySQL that have given us permission to list them in our documentation. It is by far not a complete list, but should give you a general idea of who uses MySQL and what it can be used for. General News Sites ================== * Yahoo! ( * Slashdot: A pro-Linux/tech news and comment/discussion site ( * All about Linux ( * Linuxtoday ( * 32Bits Online: because there's more than one way to compute ( * Freshmeat: News about new versions of computer-related stuff ( Some Web Search Engines ======================= * AAA Matilda Web Search ( * What's New ( * Aladin ( * Columbus Finder ( * Spider ( * Blitzsuche ( * Indoseek Indonesia ( * Yaboo - Yet Another BOOkmarker ( * OzSearch Internet Guide ( * Splat! Search ( * The Open Source Digital Library System Project ( Some Information Search Engines Concentrated on Some Area ========================================================= * SpyLOG ; A very popular Web counter site ( * TuCows Network; Free Software archive ( * Jobvertise: Post and search for jobs ( * The Music Database ( * Football (Soccer) search page ( * TAKEDOWN - wrestling ( * The International Lyrics Network ( * Musicians looking for other musicians (Free Service) ( * AddALL books searching and price comparison ( * Harvard's Gray Herbarium Index of Plant Names ( * The Game Development Search Engine ( * The Innkeeper Vacation Guides ( * The Mac Game Database uses PHP and MySQL ( * Research Publications at Monash University in Australia ( * Occupational Health & Safety Web site database (a project for the ECC) ( * Bioinformatics databases at the Montreal Children's Hospital using MySQL ( Online Magazines ================ * Spoiler Webzine ( An online magazine featuring music, literature, arts, and design content. * Daily news about Linux in German language ( * Betazine - The Ultimate Online Beta Tester's Magazine ( * Computer Currents Magazine ( Web Sites that Use MySQL as a Backend ===================================== * NASA ( * NASA KIDS ( * Sience@NASA ( * ( * Qt Widget and Object Repository ( * Brazilian samba site (in Portuguese) ( * Polish General Social Survey ( * Expo2000 ( World-wide distribution of tickets for this event is implemented using MySQL and tcl/tk. More than 5000 travel agencies all over the world have access to it. * is a free voting service with millions of users. ( * Forza Motorsport ( * DreamHost Web Hosting ( Some Domain/Internet/Web and Related Services ============================================= * Registry of Web providers that support MySQL ( * Dynamic DNS Services ( * Dynamic domain name service ( * Open DNS Project; free dynamic DNS service ( * Hammernode; Public DNS Servers ( * Free 3rd level domains ( * Online Database ( * BigBiz Internet Services ( * The Virt Gazette ( * Global InfoNet Inc ( * WebHosters - A Guide to WWW Providers ( * Internet information server ( * A technology news site ( * WorldNet Communications - An Internet Services Provider ( * Netizen: Australian-based Web consultancy ( * Search site for training courses in the UK ( * Gannon Chat (GPL). Written in Perl and Javascript ( * A general links directory ( * A Web-based bookmark management service ( * Walnut Creek CDROM ( * WWWThreads; Interactive discussion Forums ( * In Italian; Storage data from meteo station ( * Online "Person To Person" Auction ( * Tips on Web development ( * is a FREE service for everybody who wants to find friends over the internet. ( * Web Page Telnet BBS List ( * UniNova Digital Postcards ( * DSL-provider search with reviews ( Made with MySQL and Modperl, all pages are generated dynamically out of the MySQL database Web Sites that Use `PHP' and MySQL ================================== * Jgaa's Internet - Official Support Site ( * Ionline - online publication: ( MySQL, PHP, Java, Web programming, DB development * BaBoo(Browse and bookmark). Free Web-based bookmark manager and Calendar ( * Course Schedule System at Pensacola Junior College ( * Florida Community College at Jacksonville ( *; An extensive shareware / freeware archive ( * Jokes 2000 ( * Burken.NU ( Burken is a webhotel that provides scripts, among other things, for remote users, like counters, guestbooks etc. * ( Contains tips on html, javascript, 2d/3d graphics, and PHP3/MySQL. All pages are generated from a database. * ( Ecommerce site that is selling computers. Some MySQL Consultants ====================== * Ayni AG ( * Online Database ( * DataGuard (Uses MySQL and PHP) ( * WWITS (Uses MySQL and PHP) ( * WCN - The World Community Network ( * Chip Castle Dot Com Inc ( * Cybersource Pty. Ltd ( * Spring infotainment gmbh & co. kg ( * Develops Web sites using MySQL ( * Berkeley Consultants Group ( * JAMM Consulting Inc. ( Programming =========== Uncategorized Pages =================== * AZC.COM's Feature Showcase ( * Course Search ( * Northerbys Online Auctions ( * Amsterdam Airport Schiphol ( * CD database ( * Used Audio Gear Database ( * Musical note-sheets ( * Bagism - A John Lennon fan page ( * US Folk art broker ( * Mail reading on the Web ( * Free home pages on ( * Der Server fu"r Schulen im Web (In German) ( * Auldhaefen Online Services ( * CaryNET Information Center ( * Dataden Computer Systems ( * Andre'museet (In Swedish) ( * HOMESITE Internet Marketing ( * Jade-V Network Services ( * Weather World 2010 Technical Credits ( * About The Gimp plugin registry ( * Java tool Archiver technical detail (Slightly optimistic about MySQL ANSI-92 compliance) ( * Games Domain Cheats Database ( * The "Powered By" Page (Kcilink) ( * Netcasting ( * NBL (Australian National Basketball League) tipping ( * CGI shop ( * Whirlycott: Website Design ( * Museum Tusculanum Press ( * Centro Siciliano di Documentazione ( * Quake statistics database ( * Astroforum: Astrologie and related things (in German) ( * OpenDebate - Interactive Polls & Open Discussion ( * Online chemical dissertation server ( * FreSch! The Free Scholarship Search Service ( * Stockholm Pinball Locator ( * HEK A construction company ( * Elsevier Bussines Information ( * Medical Links (Using ColdFusion and MySQL) ( * Search for jobs & people at JobLink-USA ( * Competition Formation Skydiving ( * E-commerce and internal accounting ( Telecommunications) * Denmark's leading business daily newspaper B/orsen ( * The Internet NES Database ( * Travel agency in Prague in 3 languages ( * Linkstation ( * Searchable online database at Peoplestaff ( * A searchable database system for horse classified ads ( * The Poot site ( * "Playin' in the LAN"; a network monitoring suite ( * U.S. Army Publishing Agency ( * Realestate handling in Yugoslavia ( * PIMS; a Patient Information Management System ( * Pilkington Software Inc ( * A Vietnam Veteran's Memorial (The Wall) database ( * Gamer's Union specializes in auctions of used & out-of-print gaming material ( * A daily bulletin at Monterey High school ( * Community-owned site serving Lake Washington's Eastside residents and businesses ( * French bowling site ( Send any additions to this list to <>. automatically generated by info2www version |