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`int mysql_options(MYSQL *mysql, enum mysql_option option, const char


Can be used to set extra connect options and affect behavior for a
connection.  This function may be called multiple times to set several

`mysql_options()' should be called after `mysql_init()' and before
`mysql_connect()' or `mysql_real_connect()'.

The `option' argument is the option that you want to set; the `arg'
argument is the value for the option. If the option is an integer, then
`arg' should point to the value of the integer.

Possible options values:

*Option*           *Argument type*    *Function*
`MYSQL_OPT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT'`unsigned int *'   Connect timeout in seconds.
`MYSQL_OPT_COMPRESS'Not used           Use the compressed client/server
`MYSQL_OPT_NAMED_PIPE'Not used           Use named pipes to connect to a
                                      MySQL server on NT.
`MYSQL_INIT_COMMAND'`char *'           Command to execute when connecting
                                      to the MySQL server. Will
                                      automatically be re-executed when
`MYSQL_READ_DEFAULT_FILE'`char *'           Read options from the named option
                                      file instead of from `my.cnf'.
`MYSQL_READ_DEFAULT_GROUP'`char *'           Read options from the named group
                                      from `my.cnf' or the file specified
                                      with `MYSQL_READ_DEFAULT_FILE'.

Note that the group `client' is always read if you use

The specified group in the option file may contain the following

`connect_timeout'      Connect timeout in seconds. On Linux this timeout
                       is also used for waiting for the first answer
                       from the server.
`compress'             Use the compressed client/server protocol.
`database'             Connect to this database if no database was
                       specified in the connect command.
`debug'                Debug options.
`host'                 Default host name.
`init-command'         Command to execute when connecting to MySQL
                       server. Will automatically be re-executed when
`interactive-timeout'  Same as specifying `CLIENT_INTERACTIVE' to
                       `mysql_real_connect()'. Note:
`password'             Default password.
`pipe'                 Use named pipes to connect to a MySQL server on
`port'                 Default port number.
`return-found-rows'    Tell `mysql_info()' to return found rows instead
                       of updated rows when using `UPDATE'.
`socket'               Default socket number.

`user'                 Default user.

Note that `timeout' has been replaced by `connect_timeout', but
`timeout' will still work for a while.

For more information about option files, see Note: Option files.

Return Values

Zero for success.  Non-zero if you used an unknown option.


     MYSQL mysql;
     if (!mysql_real_connect(&mysql,"host","user","passwd","database",0,NULL,0))
         fprintf(stderr, "Failed to connect to database: Error: %s\n",

The above requests the client to use the compressed client/server
protocol and read the additional options from the `odbc' section in the
`my.cnf' file.

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