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`MYSQL_RES *mysql_store_result(MYSQL *mysql)'


You must call `mysql_store_result()' or `mysql_use_result()' for every
query that successfully retrieves data (`SELECT', `SHOW', `DESCRIBE',

You don't have to call `mysql_store_result()' or `mysql_use_result()'
for other queries, but it will not do any harm or cause any notable
performance if you call `mysql_store_result()' in all cases.  You can
detect if the query didn't have a result set by checking if
`mysql_store_result()' returns 0 (more about this later one).

If you want to know if the query should return a result set or not, you
can use `mysql_field_count()' to check for this.  Note:

`mysql_store_result()' reads the entire result of a query to the client,
allocates a `MYSQL_RES' structure, and places the result into this

`mysql_store_results()' returns a null pointer if the query didn't
return a result set (if the query was, for example, an `INSERT'

`mysql_store_results()' also returns a null pointer if reading of the
result set failed. You can check if you got an error by checking if
`mysql_error()' doesn't return a null pointer, if `mysql_errno()'
returns <> 0, or if `mysql_field_count()' returns <> 0.

An empty result set is returned if there are no rows returned.  (An
empty result set differs from a null pointer as a return value.)

Once you have called `mysql_store_result()' and got a result back that
isn't a null pointer, you may call `mysql_num_rows()' to find out how
many rows are in the result set.

You can call `mysql_fetch_row()' to fetch rows from the result set, or
`mysql_row_seek()' and `mysql_row_tell()' to obtain or set the current
row position within the result set.

You must call `mysql_free_result()' once you are done with the result

Note: `NULL mysql_store_result()'.

Return Values

A `MYSQL_RES' result structure with the results. `NULL' if an error


     Commands were executed in an improper order.

     Out of memory.

     The MySQL server has gone away.

     The connection to the server was lost during the query.

     An unknown error occurred.

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