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mysqld-max, An extended mysqld server

`mysqld-max' is the MySQL server (`mysqld') configured with the
following configure options:

*Option*               *Comment*
-with-server-suffix=-maxAdd a suffix to the `mysqld' version string.
-with-bdb              Support for Berkeley DB (BDB) tables
-with-innodb           Support for InnoDB tables.
CFLAGS=-DUSE_SYMDIR    Symbolic links support for Windows.

You can find the MySQL-max binaries at

The Windows MySQL 3.23 binary distribution includes both the standard
`mysqld.exe' binary and the `mysqld-max.exe' binary.
`'.  Note: Windows

Note that as Berkeley DB and InnoDB are not available for all platforms,
some of the `Max' binaries may not have support for both of these.  You
can check which table types are supported by doing the following query:

     mysql> show variables like "have_%";
     | Variable_name | Value |
     | have_bdb      | YES   |
     | have_innodb   | NO    |
     | have_isam     | YES   |
     | have_raid     | NO    |
     | have_ssl      | NO    |

The meaning of the values are:

*Value*                *Meaning*.
YES                    The option is activated and usable.
NO                     MySQL is not compiled with support for this
DISABLED               The xxxx option is disabled because one started
                       `mysqld' with `--skip-xxxx' or because one didn't
                       start `mysqld' with all needed options to enable
                       the option.  In this case the `hostname.err' file
                       should contain a reason for why the option is

*NOTE*:  To be able to create InnoDB tables you *MUST* edit your
startup options to include at least the `innodb_data_file_path' option.
Note: InnoDB start.

To get better performance for BDB tables, you should add some
configuration options for these too. Note: BDB start.

`safe_mysqld' will automatically try to start any `mysqld' binary with
the `-max' prefix. This makes it very easy to test out a another
`mysqld' binary in an existing installation.  Just run `configure' with
the options you want and then install the new `mysqld' binary as
`mysqld-max' in the same directory where your old `mysqld' binary is.
Note: `safe_mysqld'.

The `mysqld-max' RPM uses the above mentioned `safe_mysqld' feature. It
just installs the `mysqld-max' executable and `safe_mysqld' will
automatically use this executable when `safe_mysqld' is restarted.

The following table shows which table types our standard *MySQL-Max*
binaries includes:

*System*                      *BDB*                  *InnoDB*
AIX 4.3                       N                      Y
HP-UX 11.0                    N                      Y
Linux-Alpha                   N                      Y
Linux-Intel                   Y                      Y
Linux-Ia64                    N                      Y
Solaris-intel                 N                      Y
Solaris-sparc                 Y                      Y
SCO OSR5                      Y                      Y
UnixWare                      Y                      Y
Windows/NT                    Y                      Y

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