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4.1.1. The Normal Way: `%define'

   Single-line macros are defined using the `%define' preprocessor
directive. The definitions work in a similar way to C; so you can do
things like

     %define ctrl    0x1F &
     %define param(a,b) ((a)+(a)*(b))
             mov     byte [param(2,ebx)], ctrl 'D'

   which will expand to

             mov     byte [(2)+(2)*(ebx)], 0x1F & 'D'

   When the expansion of a single-line macro contains tokens which
invoke another macro, the expansion is performed at invocation time,
not at definition time. Thus the code

     %define a(x)    1+b(x)
     %define b(x)    2*x
             mov     ax,a(8)

   will evaluate in the expected way to `mov ax,1+2*8', even though the
macro `b' wasn't defined at the time of definition of `a'.

   Macros defined with `%define' are case sensitive: after `%define foo
bar', only `foo' will expand to `bar': `Foo' or `FOO' will not. By
using `%idefine' instead of `%define' (the `i' stands for
`insensitive') you can define all the case variants of a macro at once,
so that `%idefine foo bar' would cause `foo', `Foo', `FOO', `fOO' and
so on all to expand to `bar'.

   There is a mechanism which detects when a macro call has occurred as
a result of a previous expansion of the same macro, to guard against
circular references and infinite loops. If this happens, the
preprocessor will only expand the first occurrence of the macro. Hence,
if you code

     %define a(x)    1+a(x)
             mov     ax,a(3)

   the macro `a(3)' will expand once, becoming `1+a(3)', and will then
expand no further. This behaviour can be useful: see *Note Section 8.1::
for an example of its use.

   You can overload single-line macros: if you write

     %define foo(x)   1+x
     %define foo(x,y) 1+x*y

   the preprocessor will be able to handle both types of macro call, by
counting the parameters you pass; so `foo(3)' will become `1+3' whereas
`foo(ebx,2)' will become `1+ebx*2'. However, if you define

     %define foo bar

   then no other definition of `foo' will be accepted: a macro with no
parameters prohibits the definition of the same name as a macro _with_
parameters, and vice versa.

   This doesn't prevent single-line macros being _redefined_: you can
perfectly well define a macro with

     %define foo bar

   and then re-define it later in the same source file with

     %define foo baz

   Then everywhere the macro `foo' is invoked, it will be expanded
according to the most recent definition. This is particularly useful
when defining single-line macros with `%assign' (see *Note Section

   You can pre-define single-line macros using the `-d' option on the
NASM command line: see *Note Section 2.1.12::.

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