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     `devices' is a list of tokens (either strings or unquoted symbols)
     that OpenAL checks for in order to determine the sequence and
     types of devices that should be used to render audio to.

     The list of available devices at the time of this writing is:
     native               Standard OSS (/dev/dsp) backend
                          on linux.
     sdl                  Simple DirectMedia Layer backend.
     arts                 aRTs backend
     esd                  esound daemon backend.
     alsa                 ALSA backend.
     waveout              WAVE file output.

     ...please note that this does not mean that the backends work
     without fail, but that support either is included or is planned.

     A typical invocation look like:

          ( define devices '(sdl native) )

     ...which indicates to OpenAL that it should try to render audio to
     the SDL backend (if available), and failing that to try the native
     audio method for the platform in question, which usually means
     using the OSS drivers and `/dev/dsp'.  If each device specified in
     `devices' fails, then the default behavior (`native') is tried.
     If that fails, OpenAL will return a `NULL' context.

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