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ConfigParser Objects

`ConfigParser' instances have the following methods:

     Return a dictionary containing the instance-wide defaults.

     Return a list of the sections available; `DEFAULT' is not included
     in the list.

     Add a section named SECTION to the instance.  If a section by the
     given name already exists, `DuplicateSectionError' is raised.

     Indicates whether the named section is present in the
     configuration. The `DEFAULT' section is not acknowledged.

     Returns a list of options available in the specified SECTION.

`has_option(section, option)'
     If the given section exists, and contains the given option. return
     1; otherwise return 0. (New in 1.6)

     Read and parse a list of filenames.  If FILENAMES is a string or
     Unicode string, it is treated as a single filename.  If a file
     named in FILENAMES cannot be opened, that file will be ignored.
     This is designed so that you can specify a list of potential
     configuration file locations (for example, the current directory,
     the user's home directory, and some system-wide directory), and all
     existing configuration files in the list will be read.  If none of
     the named files exist, the `ConfigParser' instance will contain an
     empty dataset.  An application which requires initial values to be
     loaded from a file should load the required file or files using
     `readfp()' before calling `read()' for any optional files:

          import ConfigParser, os
          config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
['site.cfg', os.path.expanduser('~/.myapp.cfg')])

`readfp(fp[, filename])'
     Read and parse configuration data from the file or file-like
     object in FP (only the `readline()' method is used).  If FILENAME
     is omitted and FP has a `name' attribute, that is used for
     FILENAME; the default is `<???>'.

`get(section, option[, raw[, vars]])'
     Get an OPTION value for the provided SECTION.  All the `%'
     interpolations are expanded in the return values, based on the
     defaults passed into the constructor, as well as the options VARS
     provided, unless the RAW argument is true.

`getint(section, option)'
     A convenience method which coerces the OPTION in the specified
     SECTION to an integer.

`getfloat(section, option)'
     A convenience method which coerces the OPTION in the specified
     SECTION to a floating point number.

`getboolean(section, option)'
     A convenience method which coerces the OPTION in the specified
     SECTION to a boolean value.  Note that the only accepted values
     for the option are `0' and `1', any others will raise `ValueError'.

`set(section, option, value)'
     If the given section exists, set the given option to the specified
     value; otherwise raise `NoSectionError'. (New in 1.6)

     Write a representation of the configuration to the specified file
     object.  This representation can be parsed by a future `read()'
     call. (New in 1.6)

`remove_option(section, option)'
     Remove the specified OPTION from the specified SECTION.  If the
     section does not exist, raise `NoSectionError'.  If the option
     existed to be removed, return 1; otherwise return 0.  (New in 1.6)

     Remove the specified SECTION from the configuration.  If the
     section in fact existed, return 1.  Otherwise return 0.

     Transforms the option name OPTION as found in an input file or as
     passed in by  client code to the form that should be used in the
     internal structures.  The default implementation returns a
     lower-case version of OPTION; subclasses may override this or
     client code can set an attribute of this name on instances to
     affect this behavior.  Setting this to `str()', for example, would
     make option names case sensitive.

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