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The module `curses' defines the following exception:

     Exception raised when a curses library function returns an error.

*Note:* Whenever X or Y arguments to a function or a method are
optional, they default to the current cursor location.  Whenever ATTR
is optional, it defaults to `A_NORMAL'.

The module `curses' defines the following functions:

     Returns the output speed of the terminal in bits per second.  On
     software terminal emulators it will have a fixed high value.
     Included for historical reasons; in former times, it was used to
     write output loops for time delays and occasionally to change
     interfaces depending on the line speed.

     Emit a short attention sound.

     Returns true or false, depending on whether the programmer can
     change the colors displayed by the terminal.

     Enter cbreak mode.  In cbreak mode (sometimes called "rare" mode)
     normal tty line buffering is turned off and characters are
     available to be read one by one.  However, unlike raw mode,
     special characters (interrupt, quit, suspend, and flow control)
     retain their effects on the tty driver and calling program.
     Calling first `raw()' then `cbreak()' leaves the terminal in
     cbreak mode.

     Returns the intensity of the red, green, and blue (RGB) components
     in the color COLOR_NUMBER, which must be between `0' and `COLORS'.
     A 3-tuple is returned, containing the R,G,B values for the given
     color, which will be between `0' (no component) and `1000'
     (maximum amount of component).

     Returns the attribute value for displaying text in the specified
     color.  This attribute value can be combined with `A_STANDOUT',
     `A_REVERSE', and the other `A_*' attributes.  `pair_number()' is
     the counterpart to this function.

     Sets the cursor state.  VISIBILITY can be set to 0, 1, or 2, for
     invisible, normal, or very visible.  If the terminal supports the
     visibility requested, the previous cursor state is returned;
     otherwise, an exception is raised.  On many terminals, the
     "visible" mode is an underline cursor and the "very visible" mode
     is a block cursor.

     Saves the current terminal mode as the "program" mode, the mode
     when the running program is using curses.  (Its counterpart is the
     "shell" mode, for when the program is not in curses.)  Subsequent
     calls to `reset_prog_mode()' will restore this mode.

     Saves the current terminal mode as the "shell" mode, the mode when
     the running program is not using curses.  (Its counterpart is the
     "program" mode, when the program is using curses capabilities.)
     Subsequent calls to `reset_shell_mode()' will restore this mode.

     Inserts an MS millisecond pause in output.

     Update the physical screen.  The curses library keeps two data
     structures, one representing the current physical screen contents
     and a virtual screen representing the desired next state.  The
     `doupdate()' ground updates the physical screen to match the
     virtual screen.

     The virtual screen may be updated by a `noutrefresh()' call after
     write operations such as `addstr()' have been performed on a
     window.  The normal `refresh()' call is simply `noutrefresh()'
     followed by `doupdate()'; if you have to update multiple windows,
     you can speed performance and perhaps reduce screen flicker by
     issuing `noutrefresh()' calls on all windows, followed by a single

     Enter echo mode.  In echo mode, each character input is echoed to
     the screen as it is entered.

     De-initialize the library, and return terminal to normal status.

     Returns the user's current erase character.  Under Unix operating
     systems this is a property of the controlling tty of the curses
     program, and is not set by the curses library itself.

     The `filter()' routine, if used, must be called before `initscr()'
     is  called.  The effect is that, during those calls, LINES is set
     to 1; the capabilities clear, cup, cud, cud1, cuu1, cuu, vpa are
     disabled; and the home string is set to the value of cr.  The
     effect is that the cursor is confined to the current line, and so
     are screen updates.  This may be used for enabling
     cgaracter-at-a-time line editing without touching the rest of the

     Flash the screen.  That is, change it to reverse-video and then
     change it back in a short interval.  Some people prefer such as
     `visible bell' to the audible attention signal produced by

     Flush all input buffers.  This throws away any  typeahead  that
     has been typed by the user and has not yet been processed by the

     After `getch()' returns `KEY_MOUSE' to signal a mouse event, this
     method should be call to retrieve the queued mouse event,
     represented as a 5-tuple `(ID, X, Y, Z, BSTATE)'.  ID is an ID
     value used to distinguish multiple devices, and X, Y, Z are the
     event's coordinates.  (Z is currently unused.).  BSTATE is an
     integer value whose bits will be set to indicate the type of
     event, and will be the bitwise OR of one or more of the following
     constants, where N is the button number from 1 to 4:

     Returns the current coordinates of the virtual screen cursor in y
     and x.  If leaveok is currently true, then -1,-1 is returned.

     Reads window related data stored in the file by an earlier
     `putwin()' call.  The routine then creates and initializes a new
     window using that data, returning the new window object.

     Returns true if the terminal can display colors; otherwise, it
     returns false.

     Returns true if the terminal has insert- and delete- character
     capabilities.  This function is included for historical reasons
     only, as all modern software terminal emulators have such

     Returns true if the terminal has insert- and delete-line
     capabilities,  or  can  simulate  them  using scrolling regions.
     This function is included for historical reasons only, as all
     modern software terminal emulators have such capabilities.

     Takes a key value CH, and returns true if the current terminal
     type recognizes a key with that value.

     Used for half-delay mode, which is similar to cbreak mode in that
     characters typed by the user are immediately available to the
     program.  However, after blocking for TENTHS tenths of seconds, an
     exception is raised if nothing has been typed.  The value of
     TENTHS must be a number between 1 and 255.  Use `nocbreak()' to
     leave half-delay mode.

`init_color(color_number, r, g, b)'
     Changes the definition of a color, taking the number of the color
     to be changed followed by three RGB values (for the amounts of red,
     green, and blue components).  The value of COLOR_NUMBER must be
     between `0' and `COLORS'.  Each of R, G, B, must be a value
     between `0' and `1000'.  When `init_color()' is used, all
     occurrences of that color on the screen immediately change to the
     new definition.  This function is a no-op on most terminals; it is
     active only if `can_change_color()' returns `1'.

`init_pair(pair_number, fg, bg)'
     Changes the definition of a color-pair.  It takes three arguments:
     the number of the color-pair to be changed, the foreground color
     number, and the background color number.  The value of PAIR_NUMBER
     must be between `1' and `COLOR_PAIRS - 1' (the `0' color pair is
     wired to white on black and cannot be changed).  The value of FG
     and BG arguments must be between `0' and `COLORS'.  If the
     color-pair was previously initialized, the screen is refreshed and
     all occurrences of that color-pair are changed to the new

     Initialize the library. Returns a `WindowObject' which represents
     the whole screen.

     Returns true if `endwin()' has been called (that is, the curses
     library has been deinitialized).

     Return the name of the key numbered K.  The name of a key
     generating printable ASCII character is the key's character.  The
     name of a control-key combination is a two-character string
     consisting of a caret followed by the corresponding printable
     ASCII character.  The name of an alt-key combination (128-255) is
     a string consisting of the prefix `M-' followed by the name of the
     corresponding ASCII character.

     Returns the user's current line kill character. Under Unix
     operating systems this is a property of the controlling tty of the
     curses program, and is not set by the curses library itself.

     Returns a string containing the terminfo long name field
     describing the current terminal.  The maximum length of a verbose
     description is 128 characters.  It is defined only after the call
     to `initscr()'.

     If YES is 1, allow 8-bit characters to be input. If YES is 0,
     allow only 7-bit chars.

     Sets the maximum time in milliseconds that can elapse between
     press and release events in order for them to be recognized as a
     click, and returns the previous interval value.  The default value
     is 200 msec, or one fifth of a second.

     Sets the mouse events to be reported, and returns a tuple
     `(AVAILMASK, OLDMASK)'.  AVAILMASK indicates which of the
     specified mouse events can be reported; on complete failure it
     returns 0.  OLDMASK is the previous value of the given window's
     mouse event mask.  If this function is never called, no mouse
     events are ever reported.

     Sleep for MS milliseconds.

`newpad(nlines, ncols)'
     Creates and returns a pointer to a new pad data structure with the
     given number of lines and columns.  A pad is returned as a window

     A pad is like a window, except that it is not restricted by the
     screen size, and is not necessarily associated with a particular
     part of the screen.  Pads can be used when a large window is
     needed, and only a part of the window will be on the screen at one
     time.  Automatic refreshes of pads (e.g., from scrolling or
     echoing of input) do not occur.  The `refresh()' and
     `noutrefresh()' methods of a pad require 6 arguments to specify
     the part of the pad to be displayed and the location on the screen
     to be used for the display.  The arguments are pminrow, pmincol,
     sminrow, smincol, smaxrow, smaxcol; the p arguments refer to the
     upper left corner of the the pad region to be displayed and the s
     arguments define a clipping box on the screen within which the pad
     region is to be displayed.

`newwin([nlines, ncols,] begin_y, begin_x)'
     Return a new window, whose left-upper corner is at `(BEGIN_Y,
     BEGIN_X)', and whose height/width is NLINES/NCOLS.

     By default, the window will extend from the specified position to
     the lower right corner of the screen.

     Enter newline mode.  This mode translates the return key into
     newline on input, and translates newline into return and line-feed
     on output.  Newline mode is initially on.

     Leave cbreak mode.  Return to normal "cooked" mode with line

     Leave echo mode.  Echoing of input characters is turned off,

     Leave newline mode.  Disable translation of return into newline on
     input, and disable low-level translation of newline into
     newline/return on output (but this does not change the behavior of
     `addch('\n')', which always does the equivalent of return and line
     feed on the virtual screen).  With translation off, curses can
     sometimes speed up vertical motion a little; also, it will be able
     to detect the return key on input.

     When the noqiflush routine is used, normal flush of input and
     output queues associated with the INTR, QUIT and SUSP characters
     will not be done.  You may want to call `noqiflush()' in a signal
     handler if you want output to continue as though the interrupt had
     not occurred, after the handler exits.

     Leave raw mode. Return to normal "cooked" mode with line buffering.

     Returns a tuple (FG,BG) containing the colors for the requested
     color pair.  The value of PAIR_NUMBER must be between 0 and

     Returns the number of the color-pair set by the attribute value
     ATTR.  `color_pair()' is the counterpart to this function.

     Equivalent to `tputs(str, 1, putchar)'; emits the value of a
     specified terminfo capability for the current terminal.  Note that
     the output of putp always goes to standard output.

`qiflush( [flag] )'
     If FLAG is false, the effect is the same as calling `noqiflush()'.
     If FLAG is true, or no argument is provided, the queues will be
     flushed when these control characters are read.

     Enter raw mode.  In raw mode, normal line buffering and processing
     of interrupt, quit, suspend, and flow control keys are turned off;
     characters are presented to curses input functions one by one.

     Restores the  terminal  to "program" mode, as previously saved by

     Restores the  terminal  to "shell" mode, as previously saved by

`setsyx(y, x)'
     Sets the virtual screen cursor to Y, X.  If Y and X are both -1,
     then leaveok is set.

`setupterm([termstr, fd])'
     Initializes the terminal.  TERMSTR is a string giving the terminal
     name; if omitted, the value of the TERM environment variable will
     be used.  FD is the file descriptor to which any initialization
     sequences will be sent; if not supplied, the file descriptor for
     `sys.stdout' will be used.

     Must be called if the programmer wants to use colors, and before
     any other color manipulation routine is called.  It is good
     practice to call this routine right after `initscr()'.

     `start_color()' initializes eight basic colors (black, red, green,
     yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, and white), and two global variables
     in the `curses' module, `COLORS' and `COLOR_PAIRS', containing the
     maximum number of colors and color-pairs the terminal can support.
     It also restores the colors on the terminal to the values they
     had when the terminal was just turned on.

     Returns a logical OR of all video attributes supported by the
     terminal.  This information is useful when a curses program needs
     complete control over the appearance of the screen.

     Returns the value of the environment variable TERM, truncated to 14

     Returns the value of the Boolean capability corresponding to the
     terminfo capability name CAPNAME.  The value `-1' is returned if
     CAPNAME is not a Boolean capability, or `0' if it is canceled or
     absent from the terminal description.

     Returns the value of the numeric capability corresponding to the
     terminfo capability name CAPNAME.  The value `-2' is returned if
     CAPNAME is not a numeric capability, or `-1' if it is canceled or
     absent from the terminal description.

     Returns the value of the string capability corresponding to the
     terminfo capability name CAPNAME.  `None' is returned if CAPNAME
     is not a string capability, or is canceled or absent from the
     terminal description.

     Instantiates the string STR with the supplied parameters, where
     STR should be a parameterized string obtained from the terminfo
     database.  E.g. `tparm(tigetstr("cup"), 5, 3)' could result in
     `'\033[6;4H'', the exact result depending on terminal type.

     Specifies that the file descriptor FD be used for typeahead
     checking.  If FD is `-1', then no typeahead checking is done.

     The curses library does "line-breakout optimization" by looking for
     typeahead periodically while updating the screen.  If input is
     found, and it is coming from a tty, the current update is
     postponed until refresh or doupdate is called again, allowing
     faster response to commands typed in advance. This function allows
     specifying a different file descriptor for typeahead checking.

     Returns a string which is a printable representation of the
     character CH.  Control characters are displayed as a caret
     followed by the character, for example as `^C'. Printing
     characters are left as they are.

     Push CH so the next `getch()' will return it.  *Note:* only one CH
     can be pushed before `getch()' is called.

`ungetmouse(id, x, y, z, bstate)'
     Push a `KEY_MOUSE' event onto the input queue, associating the
     given state data with it.

     If used, this function should be called before `initscr()' or
     newterm are called.  When FLAG is false, the values of lines and
     columns specified in the terminfo database will be used, even if
     environment variables `LINES' and `COLUMNS' (used by default) are
     set, or if curses is running in a window (in which case default
     behavior would be to use the window size if `LINES' and `COLUMNS'
     are not set).

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