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HTTPPasswordMgr Objects

These methods are available on `HTTPPasswordMgr' and
`HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm' objects.

`add_password(realm, uri, user, passwd)'
     URI can be either a single URI, or a sequene of URIs. REALM, USER
     and PASSWD must be strings. This causes `(USER, PASSWD)' to be
     used as authentication tokens when authentication for REALM and a
     super-URI of any of the given URIs is given.

`find_user_password(realm, authuri)'
     Get user/password for given realm and URI, if any.  This method
     will return `(None, None)' if there is no matching user/password.

     For `HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm' objects, the realm `None'
     will be searched if the given REALM has no matching user/password.

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