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Mapping Operators to Functions

This table shows how abstract operations correspond to operator symbols
in the Python syntax and the functions in the `operator' module.

Operation                Syntax                   Function
------                   -----                    -----
Addition                 `A + B'                  `add(A, B)'
Concatenation            `SEQ1 + SEQ2'            `concat(SEQ1, SEQ2)'
Containment Test         `O in SEQ'               `contains(SEQ, O)'
Division                 `A / B'                  `div(A, B)'
Bitwise And              `A & B'                  `and_(A, B)'
Bitwise Exclusive Or     `A ^ B'                  `xor(A, B)'
Bitwise Inversion        `~{} A'                  `invert(A)'
Bitwise Or               `A | B'                  `or_(A, B)'
Indexed Assignment       `O[K] = V'               `setitem(O, K, V)'
Indexed Deletion         `del O[K]'               `delitem(O, K)'
Indexing                 `O[K]'                   `getitem(O, K)'
Left Shift               `A <`<' B'               `lshift(A, B)'
Modulo                   `A % B'                  `mod(A, B)'
Multiplication           `A * B'                  `mul(A, B)'
Negation (Arithmetic)    `- A'                    `neg(A)'
Negation (Logical)       `not A'                  `not_(A)'
Right Shift              `A >`>' B'               `rshift(A, B)'
Sequence Repitition      `SEQ * I'                `repeat(SEQ, I)'
Slice Assignment         `SEQ[I:J]' = VALUES      `setslice(SEQ, I, J,
Slice Deletion           `del SEQ[I:J]'           `delslice(SEQ, I, J)'
Slicing                  `SEQ[I:J]'               `getslice(SEQ, I, J)'
String Formatting        `S % O'                  `mod(S, O)'
Subtraction              `A - B'                  `sub(A, B)'
Truth Test               `O'                      `truth(O)'

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