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( Objects

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Socket Objects

Socket objects have the following methods.  Except for `makefile()'
these correspond to UNIX system calls applicable to sockets.

     Accept a connection.  The socket must be bound to an address and
     listening for connections.  The return value is a pair `(CONN,
     ADDRESS)' where CONN is a _new_ socket object usable to send and
     receive data on the connection, and ADDRESS is the address bound
     to the socket on the other end of the connection.

     Bind the socket to ADDRESS.  The socket must not already be bound.
     (The format of ADDRESS depends on the address family -- see
     above.)  *Note:*  This method has historically accepted a pair of
     parameters for `AF_INET' addresses instead of only a tuple.  This
     was never intentional and is no longer be available in Python 2.0.

     Close the socket.  All future operations on the socket object will
     fail.  The remote end will receive no more data (after queued data
     is flushed).  Sockets are automatically closed when they are

     Connect to a remote socket at ADDRESS.  (The format of ADDRESS
     depends on the address family -- see above.)  *Note:*  This method
     has historically accepted a pair of parameters for `AF_INET'
     addresses instead of only a tuple.  This was never intentional and
     is no longer available in Python 2.0 and later.

     Like `connect(ADDRESS)', but return an error indicator instead of
     raising an exception for errors returned by the C-level
     `connect()' call (other problems, such as "host not found," can
     still raise exceptions).  The error indicator is `0' if the
     operation succeeded, otherwise the value of the `errno' variable.
     This is useful to support, for example, asynchronous connects.
     *Note:*  This method has historically accepted a pair of
     parameters for `AF_INET' addresses instead of only a tuple.  This
     was never intentional and is no longer be available in Python 2.0
     and later.

     Return the socket's file descriptor (a small integer).  This is
     useful with `'.

     Return the remote address to which the socket is connected.  This
     is useful to find out the port number of a remote IP socket, for
     instance.  (The format of the address returned depends on the
     address family -- see above.)  On some systems this function is
     not supported.

     Return the socket's own address.  This is useful to find out the
     port number of an IP socket, for instance.  (The format of the
     address returned depends on the address family -- see above.)

`getsockopt(level, optname[, buflen])'
     Return the value of the given socket option (see the UNIX man page
     `getsockopt(2)').  The needed symbolic constants (`SO_*' etc.) are
     defined in this module.  If BUFLEN is absent, an integer option is
     assumed and its integer value is returned by the function.  If
     BUFLEN is present, it specifies the maximum length of the buffer
     used to receive the option in, and this buffer is returned as a
     string.  It is up to the caller to decode the contents of the
     buffer (see the optional built-in module `struct' for a way to
     decode C structures encoded as strings).

     Listen for connections made to the socket.  The BACKLOG argument
     specifies the maximum number of queued connections and should be at
     least 1; the maximum value is system-dependent (usually 5).

`makefile([mode[, bufsize]])'
     Return a "file object" associated with the socket.  (File objects
     are described in Note: File Objectsfile, "File Objects.")  The
     file object references a `dup()'ped version of the socket file
     descriptor, so the file object and socket object may be closed or
     garbage-collected independently.  The optional MODE and BUFSIZE
     arguments are interpreted the same way as by the built-in `open()'
     function; see "Built-in Functions" (section Note: Built-in
     Functions) for more information.

`recv(bufsize[, flags])'
     Receive data from the socket.  The return value is a string
     representing the data received.  The maximum amount of data to be
     received at once is specified by BUFSIZE.  See the UNIX manual page
     `recv(2)' for the meaning of the optional argument FLAGS; it
     defaults to zero.

`recvfrom(bufsize[, flags])'
     Receive data from the socket.  The return value is a pair
     `(STRING, ADDRESS)' where STRING is a string representing the data
     received and ADDRESS is the address of the socket sending the
     data.  The optional FLAGS argument has the same meaning as for
     `recv()' above.  (The format of ADDRESS depends on the address
     family -- see above.)

`send(string[, flags])'
     Send data to the socket.  The socket must be connected to a remote
     socket.  The optional FLAGS argument has the same meaning as for
     `recv()' above.  Returns the number of bytes sent.  Applications
     are responsible for checking that all data has been sent; if only
     some of the data was transmitted, the application needs to attempt
     delivery of the remaining data.

`sendall(string[, flags])'
     Send data to the socket.  The socket must be connected to a remote
     socket.  The optional FLAGS argument has the same meaning as for
     `recv()' above.  Unlike `send()', this method continues to send
     data from STRING until either all data has been sent or an error
     occurs.  `None' is returned on success.  On error, an exception is
     raised, and there is no way to determine how much data, if any,
     was successfully sent.

`sendto(string[, flags], address)'
     Send data to the socket.  The socket should not be connected to a
     remote socket, since the destination socket is specified by
     ADDRESS.  The optional FLAGS argument has the same meaning as for
     `recv()' above.  Return the number of bytes sent.  (The format of
     ADDRESS depends on the address family -- see above.)

     Set blocking or non-blocking mode of the socket: if FLAG is 0, the
     socket is set to non-blocking, else to blocking mode.  Initially
     all sockets are in blocking mode.  In non-blocking mode, if a
     `recv()' call doesn't find any data, or if a `send()' call can't
     immediately dispose of the data, a `error' exception is raised; in
     blocking mode, the calls block until they can proceed.

`setsockopt(level, optname, value)'
     Set the value of the given socket option (see the UNIX manual page
     `setsockopt(2)').  The needed symbolic constants are defined in
     the `socket' module (`SO_*' etc.).  The value can be an integer or
     a string representing a buffer.  In the latter case it is up to
     the caller to ensure that the string contains the proper bits (see
     the optional built-in module `struct'  for a way to encode C
     structures as strings).

     Shut down one or both halves of the connection.  If HOW is `0',
     further receives are disallowed.  If HOW is `1', further sends are
     disallowed.  If HOW is `2', further sends and receives are

Note that there are no methods `read()' or `write()'; use `recv()' and
`send()' without FLAGS argument instead.

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