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The `dircmp' class

`dircmp(a, b[, ignore[, hide]])'
     Construct a new directory comparison object, to compare the
     directories A and B. IGNORE is a list of names to ignore, and
     defaults to `['RCS', 'CVS', 'tags']'. HIDE is a list of names to
     hide, and defaults to `[os.curdir, os.pardir]'.

     Print (to `sys.stdout') a comparison between A and B.

     Print a comparison between A and B and common immediate

     Print a comparison between A and B and common subdirctories

     Files and subdirectories in A, filtered by HIDE and IGNORE.

     Files and subdirectories in B, filtered by HIDE and IGNORE.

     Files and subdirectories in both A and B.

     Files and subdirectories only in A.

     Files and subdirectories only in B.

     Subdirectories in both A and B.

     Files in both A and B

     Names in both A and B, such that the type differs between the
     directories, or names for which `os.stat()' reports an error.

     Files which are identical in both A and B.

     Files which are in both A and B, whose contents differ.

     Files which are in both A and B, but could not be compared.

     A dictionary mapping names in `common_dirs' to `dircmp' objects.

Note that via `__getattr__()' hooks, all attributes are computed
lazilly, so there is no speed penalty if only those attributes which
are lightweight to compute are used.

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