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High-level file operations

High-level file operations, including copying.

This manual section was written by Fred L. Drake, Jr. <>.
The `shutil' module offers a number of high-level operations on files
and collections of files.  In particular, functions are provided which
support file copying and removal.

*Caveat:*  On MacOS, the resource fork and other metadata are not used.
For file copies, this means that resources will be lost and file type
and creator codes will not be correct.

`copyfile(src, dst)'
     Copy the contents of the file named SRC to a file named DST.  If
     DST exists, it will be replaced, otherwise it will be created.

`copyfileobj(fsrc, fdst[, length])'
     Copy the contents of the file-like object FSRC to the file-like
     object FDST.  The integer LENGTH, if given, is the buffer size. In
     particular, a negative LENGTH value means to copy the data without
     looping over the source data in chunks; by default the data is
     read in chunks to avoid uncontrolled memory consumption.

`copymode(src, dst)'
     Copy the permission bits from SRC to DST.  The file contents,
     owner, and group are unaffected.

`copystat(src, dst)'
     Copy the permission bits, last access time, and last modification
     time from SRC to DST.  The file contents, owner, and group are

`copy(src, dst)'
     Copy the file SRC to the file or directory DST.  If DST is a
     directory, a file with the same basename as SRC is created (or
     overwritten) in the directory specified.  Permission bits are

`copy2(src, dst)'
     Similar to `copy()', but last access time and last modification
     time are copied as well.  This is similar to the UNIX command `cp'

`copytree(src, dst[, symlinks])'
     Recursively copy an entire directory tree rooted at SRC.  The
     destination directory, named by DST, must not already exist; it
     will be created.  Individual files are copied using `copy2()'.  If
     SYMLINKS is true, symbolic links in the source tree are
     represented as symbolic links in the new tree; if false or
     omitted, the contents of the linked files are copied to the new
     tree.  Errors are reported to standard output.

     The source code for this should be considered an example rather
     than a tool.

`rmtree(path[, ignore_errors[, onerror]])'
     Delete an entire directory tree.  If IGNORE_ERRORS is true, errors
     will be ignored; if false or omitted, errors are handled by
     calling a handler specified by ONERROR or raise an exception.

     If ONERROR is provided, it must be a callable that accepts three
     parameters: FUNCTION, PATH, and EXCINFO.  The first parameter,
     FUNCTION, is the function which raised the exception; it will be
     `os.remove()' or `os.rmdir()'.  The second parameter, PATH, will be
     the path name passed to FUNCTION.  The third parameter, EXCINFO,
     will be the exception information return by `sys.exc_info()'.
     Exceptions raised by ONERROR will not be caught.

Example 4

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