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"Compiled" Python files

As an important speed-up of the start-up time for short programs that
use a lot of standard modules, if a file called `spam.pyc' exists in
the directory where `' is found, this is assumed to contain an
already-"byte-compiled" version of the module `spam'.  The modification
time of the version of `' used to create `spam.pyc' is recorded
in `spam.pyc', and the `.pyc' file is ignored if these don't match.

Normally, you don't need to do anything to create the `spam.pyc' file.
Whenever `' is successfully compiled, an attempt is made to
write the compiled version to `spam.pyc'.  It is not an error if this
attempt fails; if for any reason the file is not written completely,
the resulting `spam.pyc' file will be recognized as invalid and thus
ignored later.  The contents of the `spam.pyc' file are platform
independent, so a Python module directory can be shared by machines of
different architectures.

Some tips for experts:

   * When the Python interpreter is invoked with the `-O' flag,
     optimized code is generated and stored in `.pyo' files.  The
     optimizer currently doesn't help much; it only removes `assert'
     statements and `SET_LINENO' instructions.  When `-O' is used,
     _all_ bytecode is optimized; `.pyc' files are ignored and `.py'
     files are compiled to optimized bytecode.

   * Passing two `-O' flags to the Python interpreter (`-OO') will
     cause the bytecode compiler to perform optimizations that could in
     some rare cases result in malfunctioning programs.  Currently only
     `__doc__' strings are removed from the bytecode, resulting in more
     compact `.pyo' files.  Since some programs may rely on having
     these available, you should only use this option if you know what
     you're doing.

   * A program doesn't run any faster when it is read from a `.pyc' or
     `.pyo' file than when it is read from a `.py' file; the only thing
     that's faster about `.pyc' or `.pyo' files is the speed with which
     they are loaded.

   * When a script is run by giving its name on the command line, the
     bytecode for the script is never written to a `.pyc' or `.pyo'
     file.  Thus, the startup time of a script may be reduced by moving
     most of its code to a module and having a small bootstrap script
     that imports that module.  It is also possible to name a `.pyc' or
     `.pyo' file directly on the command line.

   * It is possible to have a file called `spam.pyc' (or `spam.pyo'
     when `-O' is used) without a file `' for the same module.
     This can be used to distribute a library of Python code in a form
     that is moderately hard to reverse engineer.

   * The module `compileall'  can create `.pyc' files (or `.pyo' files
     when `-O' is used) for all modules in a directory.

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