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The `del' statement

There is a way to remove an item from a list given its index instead of
its value: the `del' statement.  This can also be used to remove slices
from a list (which we did earlier by assignment of an empty list to the
slice).  For example:

     >>> a
     [-1, 1, 66.6, 333, 333, 1234.5]
     >>> del a[0]
     >>> a
     [1, 66.6, 333, 333, 1234.5]
     >>> del a[2:4]
     >>> a
     [1, 66.6, 1234.5]

`del' can also be used to delete entire variables:

     >>> del a

Referencing the name `a' hereafter is an error (at least until another
value is assigned to it).  We'll find other uses for `del' later.

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