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   Cursors define the shape and hot-spot of the mouse pointer's image. A
lisp type is provided for manipulating these objects.

 - Function: cursorp arg
     Returns `t' if ARG is a member of the cursor type.

 - Function: get-cursor data
     Returns the cursor object representing the cursor defined by DATA.
     If DATA is a symbol, it's replaced by its `cursor-shape' property.

     Possible DATA values are an integer representing a glyph in the
     standard X11 cursor font, or a four-element vector.

     If a vector the format is `[IMAGE MASK FG BG]' where IMAGE and
     MASK are the filenames of standard X11 bitmaps, and FG and BG are
     colors (or names of colors). All bitmap files are searched for
     using the `image-load-path' variable.

 - Function: recolor-cursor cursor fg bg
     Change the colors of the cursor object CURSOR to FG and BG (either
     color objects or the names of colors).

 - Function: default-cursor cursor
     Set the cursor object displayed in the root window, and in parts of
     window frames that have no other cursor specified, to CURSOR.

   So that the integer indices of glyphs in the X11 cursor font do not
have to be remembered, the `cursor-shape' properties of the following
symbols are automatically set:

`X_cursor', `arrow', `based_arrow_down', `based_arrow_up', `boat',
`bogosity', `bottom_left_corner', `bottom_right_corner', `bottom_side',
`bottom_tee', `box_spiral', `center_ptr', `circle', `clock',
`coffee_mug', `cross', `cross_reverse', `crosshair', `diamond_cross',
`dot', `dotbox', `double_arrow', `draft_large', `draft_small',
`draped_box', `exchange', `fleur', `gobbler', `gumby', `hand1',
`hand2', `heart', `icon', `iron_cross', `left_ptr', `left_side',
`left_tee', `leftbutton', `ll_angle', `lr_angle', `man',
`middlebutton', `mouse', `pencil', `pirate', `plus', `question_arrow',
`right_ptr', `right_side', `right_tee', `rightbutton', `rtl_logo',
`sailboat', `sb_down_arrow', `sb_h_double_arrow', `sb_left_arrow',
`sb_right_arrow', `sb_up_arrow', `sb_v_double_arrow', `shuttle',
`sizing', `spider', `spraycan', `star', `target', `tcross',
`top_left_arrow', `top_left_corner', `top_right_corner', `top_side',
`top_tee', `trek', `ul_angle', `umbrella', `ur_angle', `watch', `xterm'.

   The glyphs associated with these names are shown in Appendix I, of
Volume Two, `Xlib Reference Manual'.

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