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Display Functions

 - Function: screen-width
     Return the width of the root window.

 - Function: screen-height
     Return the height of the root window.

 - Function: draw-window-outline mode x y width height
     Draw an outline of a window of dimensions (WIDTH, HEIGHT) at
     position (X, Y) relative to the root window.

     MODE is a symbol defining the type of outline drawn, currently it
     may only be `box' for a 3x3 grid.

     Use the `erase-window-outline' to erase the grid. Also note that
     since these functions draw directly on the root window the server
     should be grabbed until the outline is erased.

 - Function: erase-window-outline mode x y width height
     Erase a previously drawn outline of a window of dimensions (WIDTH,
     HEIGHT) at position (X, Y) relative to the root window.

     MODE is a symbol defining the type of outline drawn, currently it
     may only be `box' for a 3x3 grid.

 - Function: display-message &optional text attributes
     Display the string TEXT in a window on the screen. If TEXT is
     `nil' then any string previously displayed is removed. Returns the
     numeric id of the window displaying the message, or `nil' if no
     message is displayed.

     ATTRIBUTES is an alist specifying how the string should be
     displayed; each element of the list is a cons cell `(ATTR .
     VALUE)' associating an attribute ATTR (a symbol) with it's value.

     Possible attributes currently include:

          The font to use

          The color (or color name) to draw the text with

          The color (or color name) to draw the background with

          The justification method for multi-line strings. One of the
          symbols `left', `right', or `center'

          The number of extra pixels of vertical spacing to leave
          between text lines.

          A cons cell defining the coordinates at which to display the
          message window. The cell is `(X . Y)'. X and Y are integers
          or `nil' (for centered display). If negative they count in
          from the left and bottom edges respectively.

          The head on which to center the message when a position is
          not specified or given as nil.  If not provided defaults to
          the head containing the window that has the input focus.

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