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   As with the color type, the font type allows X11 fonts to be
manipulated by Lisp code.

 - Function: fontp arg
     Returns `t' if ARG is a font object.

 - Function: get-font name
     Return a font object representing the X11 font specified by the

     Signals an error if no font named NAME is available.

   Several functions allow the attributes associated with a font object
to be found.

 - Function: font-name font
     Returns the name of the X11 font represented by object FONT (a

 - Function: font-height font
     Returns the bounding height of glyphs in the font represented by
     object FONT.

 - Function: text-width string &optional font
     Returns the number of horizontal pixels that would be required to
     display the text STRING using font object FONT (or the value of
     the `default-font' variable if FONT is undefined).

   As with colors, a default font may be specified, to be used where no
other font is specified.

 - Variable: default-font
     Font object used when no other font has been specified.

   Fonts can have Lisp properties associated with them (similar to the
property lists associated with symbols). Currently these aren't
actually used by the window manager.

 - Function: font-put font property value
     Associate the lisp object VALUE with the property named by the
     symbol PROPERTY of the font object FONT.

 - Function: font-get font property
     Return the value of the property named by the symbol PROPERTY of
     the font FONT, or `nil' if no such property exists.

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