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Frame Styles

   Frame styles are used to encapsulate frames of the different types
that have a single visual appearance. Each frame style associates a name
with a function that creates a frame definition for a particular window
and frame type combination.

 - Function: add-frame-style name function
     Defines a new frame style called NAME (a symbol). When a frame of
     this style is required for a particular window, FUNCTION is called
     with two arguments, the window itself and a symbol defining the
     frame type to create (Note: Frame Types).

     If the frame style is unable to provide a frame definition of the
     required type, it should return the symbol `nil'. In which case it
     may subsequently be asked for a frame of a different type.

     If no default frame style exists, the new style will be made the

 - Variable: default-frame-style
     A symbol naming the frame style to use for windows where no other
     style is explicitly specified.

 - Function: check-frame-availability name
     Returns `t' if a frame style called NAME exists. Will try to load
     such a frame from the filing system if necessary.

 - Function: set-window-frame-style window style &optional type
     Sets the frame of WINDOW to the style named by the symbol STYLE.
     If TYPE is defined then it names the frame type to use, otherwise
     the default type for this window is used.

     If FROM-USER is non-nil then the user chose this frame style for
     the window explicitly (i.e. it's not just the default choice for a
     new window).

 - Function: set-frame-for-window window &optional force type
     If WINDOW has no frame style associated with it, then chooses the
     default value for this window, the value of `default-frame-style'.

     If FORCE is non-nil then the style is always re-chosen, even if
     the window already has a chosen default style.

     If TYPE is non-nil it defines the frame type to give the window,
     otherwise the current default for the window is used.

 - Function: reframe-all-windows
     Forcibly reselect all window frame styles. Only windows with a user
     specified style are not changed to the current defaults.

 - Function: rebuild-frames-with-style style
     Call `rebuild-frame' on all windows that currently have a frame
     defined by frame style STYLE (a symbol)

 - Function: reframe-windows-with-style style
     Completely recreate all window frames that are defined by the style

   Several window properties are used while choosing frame styles:

 - Window Property: frame-style
     The user-chosen frame style of the window, or `nil'.

 - Window Property: current-frame-style
     The current frame style of the window.

 - Window Property: ignored
     When set, the window is not given a frame.

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