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Info Node: ( Windows

( Windows

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Maximizing Windows

   The dimensions of a window may be temporarily "maximized".

 - Command: maximize-window window &optional direction
     Maximize both dimensions of WINDOW

     If defined, DIRECTION may be either `vertical' or `horizontal'.

 - Command: maximize-window-vertically window
     Maximize the vertical dimension of WINDOW.

 - Command: maximize-window-horizontally window
     Maximize the horizontal dimension of WINDOW.

 - Command: unmaximize-window window &optional direction
     Restore the dimensions of WINDOW to its original, unmaximized,

     If defined, DIRECTION may be either `vertical' or `horizontal'.

 - Command: maximize-window-toggle window
     Toggle the state of WINDOW between maximized and unmaximized.

     If defined, DIRECTION may be either `vertical' or `horizontal'.

 - Command: maximize-window-vertically-toggle window
     Toggle the state of WINDOW between vertically maximized and

 - Command: maximize-window-horizontally-toggle window
     Toggle the state of WINDOW between horizontally maximized and

 - Function: window-maximized-p window
     Return `t' when WINDOW is in the maximized state.

 - Function: window-maximized-vertically-p window
     Return `t' when WINDOW is vertically maximized.

 - Function: window-maximized-horizontally-p window
     Return `t' when WINDOW is horizontally maximized.

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