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Examples of the `bind' command

Some examples:

     bind ' ' windows
     bind ^f screen telnet foobar
     bind \033 screen -ln -t root -h 1000 9 su

would bind the space key to the command that displays a list of windows
(so that the command usually invoked by `C-a C-w' would also be
available as `C-a space'), bind `C-f' to the command "create a window
with a TELNET connection to foobar", and bind <ESC> to the command that
creates an non-login window with title `root' in slot #9, with a
superuser shell and a scrollback buffer of 1000 lines.

     bind -c demo1 0 select 10
     bind -c demo1 1 select 11
     bind -c demo1 2 select 12
     bindkey "^B" command -c demo1
   makes `C-b 0' select window 10, `C-b 1' window 11, etc.

     bind -c demo2 0 select 10
     bind -c demo2 1 select 11
     bind -c demo2 2 select 12
     bind - command -c demo2
   makes `C-a - 0' select window 10, `C-a - 1' window 11, etc.

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