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Character Processing

 - Command: c1 [state]
     Change c1 code processing. `c1 on' tells screen to treat the input
     characters between 128 and 159 as control functions.  Such an
     8-bit code is normally the same as ESC followed by the
     corresponding 7-bit code. The default setting is to process c1
     codes and can be changed with the `defc1' command.  Users with
     fonts that have usable characters in the c1 positions may want to
     turn this off.

 - Command: gr [state]
     Turn GR charset switching on/off. Whenever screen sees an input
     char with an 8th bit set, it will use the charset stored in the GR
     slot and print the character with the 8th bit stripped. The
     default (see also `defgr') is not to process GR switching because
     otherwise the ISO88591 charset would not work.

 - Command: bce [state]
     Change background-color-erase setting. If `bce' is set to on, all
     characters cleared by an erase/insert/scroll/clear operation will
     be displayed in the current background color.  Otherwise the
     default background color is used.

 - Command: encoding enc [denc]
     Tell screen how to interpret the input/output. The first argument
     sets the encoding of the current window.  Each window can emulate
     a different encoding. The optional second parameter overwrites the
     encoding of the connected terminal.  It should never be needed as
     screen uses the locale setting to detect the encoding.  There is
     also a way to select a terminal encoding depending on the terminal
     type by using the `KJ' termcap entry. Note: Special Capabilities.

     Supported encodings are `eucJP', `SJIS', `eucKR', `eucCN', `Big5',
     `KOI8-R', `CP1251', `UTF-8', `ISO8859-2', `ISO8859-3',
     `ISO8859-4', `ISO8859-5', `ISO8859-6', `ISO8859-7', `ISO8859-8',
     `ISO8859-9', `ISO8859-10', `ISO8859-15', `jis'.

     See also `defencoding', which changes the default setting of a new

 - Command: charset set
     Change the current character set slot designation and charset
     mapping.  The first four character of SET are treated as charset
     designators while the fifth and sixth character must be in range
     `0' to `3' and set the GL/GR charset mapping. On every position a
     `.' may be used to indicate that the corresponding charset/mapping
     should not be changed (SET is padded to six characters internally
     by appending `.' chars). New windows have `BBBB02' as default
     charset, unless a `encoding' command is active.

     The current setting can be viewed with the Note: Info command.

 - Command: utf8 [state [dstate]]
     Change the encoding used in the current window. If utf8 is
     enabled, the strings sent to the window will be UTF-8 encoded and
     vice versa.  Omitting the parameter toggles the setting. If a
     second parameter is given, the display's encoding is also changed
     (this should rather be done with screen's `-U' option).  See also
     `defutf8', which changes the default setting of a new window.

 - Command: defc1 state
     Same as the `c1' command except that the default setting for new
     windows is changed. Initial setting is `on'.

 - Command: defgr state
     Same as the `gr' command except that the default setting for new
     windows is changed. Initial setting is `off'.

 - Command: defbce state
     Same as the `bce' command except that the default setting for new
     windows is changed. Initial setting is `off'.

 - Command: defencoding enc
     Same as the `encoding' command except that the default setting for
     new windows is changed. Initial setting is the encoding taken from
     the terminal.

 - Command: defcharset [set]
     Like the `charset' command except that the default setting for new
     windows is changed. Shows current default if called without

 - Command: defutf8 state
     Same as the `utf8' command except that the default setting for new
     windows is changed. Initial setting is `on' if screen was started
     with `-U', otherwise `off'.

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