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 - Command: autodetach state
     Sets whether `screen' will automatically detach upon hangup, which
     saves all your running programs until they are resumed with a
     `screen -r' command.  When turned off, a hangup signal will
     terminate `screen' and all the processes it contains. Autodetach is
     on by default.

 - Command: detach
     (`C-a d', `C-a C-d')
     Detach the `screen' session (disconnect it from the terminal and
     put it into the background).  A detached `screen' can be resumed by
     invoking `screen' with the `-r' option (Note: Invoking Screen).
     The `-h' option tells screen to immediately close the connection
     to the terminal (`hangup').

 - Command: password [crypted_pw]
     Present a crypted password in your `.screenrc' file and screen will
     ask for it, whenever someone attempts to resume a detached
     session. This is useful, if you have privileged programs running
     under `screen' and you want to protect your session from reattach
     attempts by users that managed to assume your uid. (I.e. any
     superuser.)  If no crypted password is specified, screen prompts
     twice a password and places its encryption in the paste buffer.
     Default is `none', which disables password checking.

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