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   `Screen' maintains a hardstatus line for every window. If a window
gets selected, the display's hardstatus will be updated to match the
window's hardstatus line.  The hardstatus line can be changed with the
ANSI Application Program Command (APC): `ESC_<string>ESC\'. As a
convenience for xterm users the sequence `ESC]0..2;<string>^G' is also

 - Command: defhstatus [status]
     The hardstatus line that all new windows will get is set to STATUS.
     This command is useful to make the hardstatus of every window
     display the window number or title or the like.  STATUS may
     contain the same directives as in the window messages, but the
     directive escape character is `^E' (octal 005) instead of `%'.
     This was done to make a misinterpretation of program generated
     hardstatus lines impossible.  If the parameter STATUS is omitted,
     the current default string is displayed.  Per default the
     hardstatus line of new windows is empty.

 - Command: hstatus status
     Changes the current window's hardstatus line to STATUS.

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