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 - Command: paste [registers [destination]]
     (`C-a ]', `C-a C-]')
     Write the (concatenated) contents of the specified registers to
     the stdin stream of the current window.  The register `.' is
     treated as the paste buffer. If no parameter is specified the user
     is prompted to enter a single register. The paste buffer can be
     filled with the `copy', `history' and `readbuf' commands.  Other
     registers can be filled with the `register', `readreg' and `paste'
     commands.  If `paste' is called with a second argument, the
     contents of the specified registers is pasted into the named
     destination register rather than the window. If `.' is used as the
     second argument, the display's paste buffer is the destination.
     Note, that `paste' uses a wide variety of resources: Usually both,
     a current window and a current display are required. But whenever
     a second argument is specified no current window is needed. When
     the source specification only contains registers (not the paste
     buffer) then there need not be a current display (terminal
     attached), as the registers are a global resource. The paste
     buffer exists once for every user.

 - Command: pastefont [state]
     Tell screen to include font information in the paste buffer. The
     default is not to do so. This command is especially usefull for
     multi character fonts like kanji.

 - Command: slowpaste msec
 - Command: defslowpaste msec
     Define the speed text is inserted in the current window by the
     `paste' command. If the slowpaste value is nonzero text is written
     character by character.  `screen' will pause for MSEC milliseconds
     after each write to allow the application to process the input.
     only use `slowpaste' if your underlying system exposes flow
     control problems while pasting large amounts of text.
     `defslowpaste' specifies the default for new windows.

 - Command: readreg [-e encoding] [register [filename]]
     Does one of two things, dependent on number of arguments: with
     zero or one arguments it it duplicates the paste buffer contents
     into the register specified or entered at the prompt. With two
     arguments it reads the contents of the named file into the
     register, just as `readbuf' reads the screen-exchange file into
     the paste buffer.  You can tell screen the encoding of the file
     via the `-e' option.  The following example will paste the
     system's password file into the screen window (using register p,
     where a copy remains):

          C-a : readreg p /etc/passwd
          C-a : paste p

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