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Screen Command

 - Command: screen [opts] [n] [cmd [args]]
     (`C-a c', `C-a C-c')
     Establish a new window.  The flow-control options (`-f', `-fn' and
     `-fa'), title option (`-t'), login options (`-l' and `-ln') ,
     terminal type option (`-T TERM'), the all-capability-flag (`-a')
     and scrollback option (`-h NUM') may be specified with each
     command.  The option (`-M') turns monitoring on for this window.
     The option (`-L') turns output logging on for this window.  If an
     optional number N in the range 0...9 is given, the window number N
     is assigned to the newly created window (or, if this number is
     already in-use, the next available number).  If a command is
     specified after `screen', this command (with the given arguments)
     is started in the window; otherwise, a shell is created.

     Screen has built in some functionality of `cu' and `telnet'.
     Note: Window Types.

   Thus, if your `.screenrc' contains the lines

     # example for .screenrc:
     screen 1
     screen -fn -t foobar 2 -L telnet foobar

`screen' creates a shell window (in window #1) and a window with a
TELNET connection to the machine foobar (with no flow-control using the
title `foobar' in window #2) and will write a logfile `screenlog.2' of
the telnet session.  If you do not include any `screen' commands in
your `.screenrc' file, then `screen' defaults to creating a single
shell window, number zero.  When the initialization is completed,
`screen' switches to the last window specified in your .screenrc file
or, if none, it opens default window #0.

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