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Info Node: ( Exchange

( Exchange

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Screen Exchange

 - Command: bufferfile [EXCHANGE-FILE]
     Change the filename used for reading and writing with the paste
     buffer.  If the EXCHANGE-FILE parameter is omitted, `screen'
     reverts to the default of `/tmp/screen-exchange'.  The following
     example will paste the system's password file into the screen
     window (using the paste buffer, where a copy remains):

          C-a : bufferfile /etc/passwd
          C-a < C-a ]
          C-a : bufferfile

 - Command: readbuf [-e ENCODING] [FILENAME]
     (`C-a <')
     Reads the contents of the specified file into the paste buffer.
     You can tell screen the encoding of the file via the `-e' option.
     If no file is specified, the screen-exchange filename is used.

 - Command: removebuf
     (`C-a =')
     Unlinks the screen-exchange file.

 - Command: writebuf [-e ENCODING] [FILENAME]
     (`C-a >')
     Writes the contents of the paste buffer to the specified file, or
     the public accessible screen-exchange file if no filename is given.
     This is thought of as a primitive means of communication between
     `screen' users on the same host.  If an encoding is specified the
     paste buffer is recoded on the fly to match the encoding.  See also
     `C-a <ESC>' (Note: Copy).

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