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The `.screenrc' file

   When `screen' is invoked, it executes initialization commands from
the files `.screenrc' in the user's home directory and `/etc/screenrc'.
These defaults can be overridden in the following ways: For the global
screenrc file `screen' searches for the environment variable
`$SYSSCREENRC' (this override feature may be disabled at compile-time).
The user specific screenrc file is searched for in `$SCREENRC', then
``$HOME'/.screenrc'.  The command line option `-c' specifies which file
to use (Note: Invoking Screen.  Commands in these files are used to
set options, bind commands to keys, and to automatically establish one
or more windows at the beginning of your `screen' session.  Commands
are listed one per line, with empty lines being ignored.  A command's
arguments are separated by tabs or spaces, and may be surrounded by
single or double quotes.  A `#' turns the rest of the line into a
comment, except in quotes.  Unintelligible lines are warned about and
ignored.  Commands may contain references to environment variables.
The syntax is the shell-like `$VAR' or `${VAR}'.  Note that this causes
incompatibility with previous `screen' versions, as now the
'$'-character has to be protected with '\' if no variable substitution
is intended. A string in single-quotes is also protected from variable

   Two configuration files are shipped as examples with your screen
distribution: `etc/screenrc' and `etc/etcscreenrc'. They contain a
number of useful examples for various commands.

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