GNU Info

Info Node: (


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 - Command: windowlist [-b] | string [STRING] | title [TITLE]
     (`C-a "')
     Display all windows in a table for visual window selection.  The
     desired window can be selected via the standard movement keys
     (Note: Movement) and activated via the return key.  If the `-b'
     option is given, screen will switch to the blank window before
     presenting the list, so that the current window is also selectable.

     The table format can be changed with the string and title option,
     the title is displayed as table heading, while the lines are made
     by using the string setting.  The default setting is `Num
     Name%=Flags' for the title and `%3n %t%=%f' for the lines. See the
     string escapes chapter (Note: String Escapes) for more codes
     (e.g. color settings).

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