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  `(require 'batch)'

The batch procedures provide a way to write and execute portable scripts
for a variety of operating systems.  Each `batch:' procedure takes as
its first argument a parameter-list (Note: Parameter lists).  This
parameter-list argument PARMS contains named associations.  Batch
currently uses 2 of these:

     The port on which to write lines of the batch file.

     The syntax of batch file to generate.  Currently supported are:
        * unix

        * dos

        * vms

        * amigados

        * system

        * *unknown*

`batch.scm' uses 2 enhanced relational tables (Note: Database
Utilities) to store information linking the names of
`operating-system's to `batch-dialect'es.

 - Function: batch:initialize! database
     Defines `operating-system' and `batch-dialect' tables and adds the
     domain `operating-system' to the enhanced relational database

 - Variable: batch:platform
     Is batch's best guess as to which operating-system it is running
     under.  `batch:platform' is set to `(software-type)' (Note:
     Configuration) unless `(software-type)' is `unix', in which case
     finer distinctions are made.

 - Function: batch:call-with-output-script parms file proc
     PROC should be a procedure of one argument.  If FILE is an
     output-port, `batch:call-with-output-script' writes an appropriate
     header to FILE and then calls PROC with FILE as the only argument.
     If FILE is a string, `batch:call-with-output-script' opens a
     output-file of name FILE, writes an appropriate header to FILE,
     and then calls PROC with the newly opened port as the only
     argument.  Otherwise, `batch:call-with-output-script' acts as if
     it was called with the result of `(current-output-port)' as its
     third argument.

The rest of the `batch:' procedures write (or execute if
`batch-dialect' is `system') commands to the batch port which has been
added to PARMS or `(copy-tree PARMS)' by the code:

     (adjoin-parameters! PARMS (list 'batch-port PORT))

 - Function: batch:command parms string1 string2 ...
     Calls `batch:try-command' (below) with arguments, but signals an
     error if `batch:try-command' returns `#f'.

These functions return a non-false value if the command was successfully
translated into the batch dialect and `#f' if not.  In the case of the
`system' dialect, the value is non-false if the operation suceeded.

 - Function: batch:try-command parms string1 string2 ...
     Writes a command to the `batch-port' in PARMS which executes the
     program named STRING1 with arguments STRING2 ....

 - Function: batch:try-chopped-command parms arg1 arg2 ... list
     breaks the last argument LIST into chunks small enough so that the

          ARG1 ARG2 ... CHUNK

     fits withing the platform's maximum command-line length.

     `batch:try-chopped-command' calls `batch:try-command' with the
     command and returns non-false only if the commands all fit and
     `batch:try-command' of each command line returned non-false.

 - Function: batch:run-script parms string1 string2 ...
     Writes a command to the `batch-port' in PARMS which executes the
     batch script named STRING1 with arguments STRING2 ....

     _Note:_ `batch:run-script' and `batch:try-command' are not the
     same for some operating systems (VMS).

 - Function: batch:comment parms line1 ...
     Writes comment lines LINE1 ... to the `batch-port' in PARMS.

 - Function: batch:lines->file parms file line1 ...
     Writes commands to the `batch-port' in PARMS which create a file
     named FILE with contents LINE1 ....

 - Function: batch:delete-file parms file
     Writes a command to the `batch-port' in PARMS which deletes the
     file named FILE.

 - Function: batch:rename-file parms old-name new-name
     Writes a command to the `batch-port' in PARMS which renames the
     file OLD-NAME to NEW-NAME.

In addition, batch provides some small utilities very useful for writing

 - Function: truncate-up-to path char
 - Function: truncate-up-to path string
 - Function: truncate-up-to path charlist
     PATH can be a string or a list of strings.  Returns PATH sans any
     prefixes ending with a character of the second argument.  This can
     be used to derive a filename moved locally from elsewhere.

          (truncate-up-to "/usr/local/lib/slib/batch.scm" "/")
          => "batch.scm"

 - Function: string-join joiner string1 ...
     Returns a new string consisting of all the strings STRING1 ...  in
     order appended together with the string JOINER between each
     adjacent pair.

 - Function: must-be-first list1 list2
     Returns a new list consisting of the elements of LIST2 ordered so
     that if some elements of LIST1 are `equal?' to elements of LIST2,
     then those elements will appear first and in the order of LIST1.

 - Function: must-be-last list1 list2
     Returns a new list consisting of the elements of LIST1 ordered so
     that if some elements of LIST2 are `equal?' to elements of LIST1,
     then those elements will appear last and in the order of LIST2.

 - Function: os->batch-dialect osname
     Returns its best guess for the `batch-dialect' to be used for the
     operating-system named OSNAME.  `os->batch-dialect' uses the
     tables added to DATABASE by `batch:initialize!'.

Here is an example of the use of most of batch's procedures:

     (require 'database-utilities)
     (require 'parameters)
     (require 'batch)
     (require 'glob)
     (define batch (create-database #f 'alist-table))
     (batch:initialize! batch)
     (define my-parameters
       (list (list 'batch-dialect (os->batch-dialect batch:platform))
             (list 'platform batch:platform)
             (list 'batch-port (current-output-port)))) ;gets filled in later
      (lambda (batch-port)
        (adjoin-parameters! my-parameters (list 'batch-port batch-port))
         (batch:comment my-parameters
                        "================ Write file with C program.")
         (batch:rename-file my-parameters "hello.c" "hello.c~")
         (batch:lines->file my-parameters "hello.c"
                            "#include <stdio.h>"
                            "int main(int argc, char **argv)"
                            "  printf(\"hello world\\n\");"
                            "  return 0;"
                            "}" )
         (batch:command my-parameters "cc" "-c" "hello.c")
         (batch:command my-parameters "cc" "-o" "hello"
                       (replace-suffix "hello.c" ".c" ".o"))
         (batch:command my-parameters "hello")
         (batch:delete-file my-parameters "hello")
         (batch:delete-file my-parameters "hello.c")
         (batch:delete-file my-parameters "hello.o")
         (batch:delete-file my-parameters "my-batch")

Produces the file `my-batch':

     # "my-batch" script created by SLIB/batch Sun Oct 31 18:24:10 1999
     # ================ Write file with C program.
     mv -f hello.c hello.c~
     rm -f hello.c
     echo '#include <stdio.h>'>>hello.c
     echo 'int main(int argc, char **argv)'>>hello.c
     echo '{'>>hello.c
     echo '  printf("hello world\n");'>>hello.c
     echo '  return 0;'>>hello.c
     echo '}'>>hello.c
     cc -c hello.c
     cc -o hello hello.o
     rm -f hello
     rm -f hello.c
     rm -f hello.o
     rm -f my-batch

When run, `my-batch' prints:

     bash$ my-batch
     mv: hello.c: No such file or directory
     hello world

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