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Commutative Rings

  Scheme provides a consistent and capable set of numeric functions.
Inexacts implement a field; integers a commutative ring (and Euclidean
domain).  This package allows one to use basic Scheme numeric functions
with symbols and non-numeric elements of commutative rings.

  `(require 'commutative-ring)'

  The "commutative-ring" package makes the procedures `+', `-', `*',
`/', and `^' "careful" in the sense that any non-numeric arguments they
do not reduce appear in the expression output.  In order to see what
working with this package is like, self-set all the single letter
identifiers (to their corresponding symbols).

     (define a 'a)
     (define z 'z)

  Or just `(require 'self-set)'.  Now try some sample expressions:

     (+ (+ a b) (- a b)) => (* a 2)
     (* (+ a b) (+ a b)) => (^ (+ a b) 2)
     (* (+ a b) (- a b)) => (* (+ a b) (- a b))
     (* (- a b) (- a b)) => (^ (- a b) 2)
     (* (- a b) (+ a b)) => (* (+ a b) (- a b))
     (/ (+ a b) (+ c d)) => (/ (+ a b) (+ c d))
     (^ (+ a b) 3) => (^ (+ a b) 3)
     (^ (+ a 2) 3) => (^ (+ 2 a) 3)

  Associative rules have been applied and repeated addition and
multiplication converted to multiplication and exponentiation.

  We can enable distributive rules, thus expanding to sum of products
     (set! *ruleset* (combined-rulesets distribute* distribute/))
     (* (+ a b) (+ a b)) => (+ (* 2 a b) (^ a 2) (^ b 2))
     (* (+ a b) (- a b)) => (- (^ a 2) (^ b 2))
     (* (- a b) (- a b)) => (- (+ (^ a 2) (^ b 2)) (* 2 a b))
     (* (- a b) (+ a b)) => (- (^ a 2) (^ b 2))
     (/ (+ a b) (+ c d)) => (+ (/ a (+ c d)) (/ b (+ c d)))
     (/ (+ a b) (- c d)) => (+ (/ a (- c d)) (/ b (- c d)))
     (/ (- a b) (- c d)) => (- (/ a (- c d)) (/ b (- c d)))
     (/ (- a b) (+ c d)) => (- (/ a (+ c d)) (/ b (+ c d)))
     (^ (+ a b) 3) => (+ (* 3 a (^ b 2)) (* 3 b (^ a 2)) (^ a 3) (^ b 3))
     (^ (+ a 2) 3) => (+ 8 (* a 12) (* (^ a 2) 6) (^ a 3))

  Use of this package is not restricted to simple arithmetic

     (require 'determinant)
     (determinant '((a b c) (d e f) (g h i))) =>
     (- (+ (* a e i) (* b f g) (* c d h)) (* a f h) (* b d i) (* c e g))

  Currently, only `+', `-', `*', `/', and `^' support non-numeric
elements.  Expressions with `-' are converted to equivalent expressions
without `-', so behavior for `-' is not defined separately.  `/'
expressions are handled similarly.

  This list might be extended to include `quotient', `modulo',
`remainder', `lcm', and `gcd'; but these work only for the more
restrictive Euclidean (Unique Factorization) Domain.

Rules and Rulesets

  The "commutative-ring" package allows control of ring properties
through the use of "rulesets".

 - Variable: *ruleset*
     Contains the set of rules currently in effect.  Rules defined by
     `cring:define-rule' are stored within the value of *ruleset* at the
     time `cring:define-rule' is called.  If *RULESET* is `#f', then no
     rules apply.

 - Function: make-ruleset rule1 ...
 - Function: make-ruleset name rule1 ...
     Returns a new ruleset containing the rules formed by applying
     `cring:define-rule' to each 4-element list argument RULE.  If the
     first argument to `make-ruleset' is a symbol, then the database
     table created for the new ruleset will be named NAME.  Calling
     `make-ruleset' with no rule arguments creates an empty ruleset.

 - Function: combined-rulesets ruleset1 ...
 - Function: combined-rulesets name ruleset1 ...
     Returns a new ruleset containing the rules contained in each
     ruleset argument RULESET.  If the first argument to
     `combined-ruleset' is a symbol, then the database table created for
     the new ruleset will be named NAME.  Calling `combined-ruleset'
     with no ruleset arguments creates an empty ruleset.

  Two rulesets are defined by this package.

 - Constant: distribute*
     Contain the ruleset to distribute multiplication over addition and

 - Constant: distribute/
     Contain the ruleset to distribute division over addition and

     Take care when using both DISTRIBUTE* and DISTRIBUTE/
     simultaneously.  It is possible to put `/' into an infinite loop.

  You can specify how sum and product expressions containing non-numeric
elements simplify by specifying the rules for `+' or `*' for cases
where expressions involving objects reduce to numbers or to expressions
involving different non-numeric elements.

 - Function: cring:define-rule op sub-op1 sub-op2 reduction
     Defines a rule for the case when the operation represented by
     symbol OP is applied to lists whose `car's are SUB-OP1 and
     SUB-OP2, respectively.  The argument REDUCTION is a procedure
     accepting 2 arguments which will be lists whose `car's are SUB-OP1
     and SUB-OP2.

 - Function: cring:define-rule op sub-op1 'identity reduction
     Defines a rule for the case when the operation represented by
     symbol OP is applied to a list whose `car' is SUB-OP1, and some
     other argument.  REDUCTION will be called with the list whose
     `car' is SUB-OP1 and some other argument.

     If REDUCTION returns `#f', the reduction has failed and other
     reductions will be tried.  If REDUCTION returns a non-false value,
     that value will replace the two arguments in arithmetic (`+', `-',
     and `*') calculations involving non-numeric elements.

     The operations `+' and `*' are assumed commutative; hence both
     orders of arguments to REDUCTION will be tried if necessary.

     The following rule is the definition for distributing `*' over `+'.

           '* '+ 'identity
           (lambda (exp1 exp2)
             (apply + (map (lambda (trm) (* trm exp2)) (cdr exp1))))))

How to Create a Commutative Ring

  The first step in creating your commutative ring is to write
procedures to create elements of the ring.  A non-numeric element of
the ring must be represented as a list whose first element is a symbol
or string.  This first element identifies the type of the object.  A
convenient and clear convention is to make the type-identifying element
be the same symbol whose top-level value is the procedure to create it.

     (define (n . list1)
       (cond ((and (= 2 (length list1))
                   (eq? (car list1) (cadr list1)))
             ((not (term< (first list1) (last1 list1)))
              (apply n (reverse list1)))
             (else (cons 'n list1))))
     (define (s x y) (n x y))
     (define (m . list1)
       (cond ((neq? (first list1) (term_min list1))
              (apply m (cyclicrotate list1)))
             ((term< (last1 list1) (cadr list1))
              (apply m (reverse (cyclicrotate list1))))
             (else (cons 'm list1))))

  Define a procedure to multiply 2 non-numeric elements of the ring.
Other multiplicatons are handled automatically.  Objects for which rules
have _not_ been defined are not changed.

     (define (n*n ni nj)
       (let ((list1 (cdr ni)) (list2 (cdr nj)))
         (cond ((null? (intersection list1 list2)) #f)
               ((and (eq? (last1 list1) (first list2))
                     (neq? (first list1) (last1 list2)))
                (apply n (splice list1 list2)))
               ((and (eq? (first list1) (first list2))
                     (neq? (last1 list1) (last1 list2)))
                (apply n (splice (reverse list1) list2)))
               ((and (eq? (last1 list1) (last1 list2))
                     (neq? (first list1) (first list2)))
                (apply n (splice list1 (reverse list2))))
               ((and (eq? (last1 list1) (first list2))
                     (eq? (first list1) (last1 list2)))
                (apply m (cyclicsplice list1 list2)))
               ((and (eq? (first list1) (first list2))
                     (eq? (last1 list1) (last1 list2)))
                (apply m (cyclicsplice (reverse list1) list2)))
               (else #f))))

  Test the procedures to see if they work.

     ;;; where cyclicrotate(list) is cyclic rotation of the list one step
     ;;; by putting the first element at the end
     (define (cyclicrotate list1)
       (append (rest list1) (list (first list1))))
     ;;; and where term_min(list) is the element of the list which is
     ;;; first in the term ordering.
     (define (term_min list1)
       (car (sort list1 term<)))
     (define (term< sym1 sym2)
       (string<? (symbol->string sym1) (symbol->string sym2)))
     (define first car)
     (define rest cdr)
     (define (last1 list1) (car (last-pair list1)))
     (define (neq? obj1 obj2) (not (eq? obj1 obj2)))
     ;;; where splice is the concatenation of list1 and list2 except that their
     ;;; common element is not repeated.
     (define (splice list1 list2)
       (cond ((eq? (last1 list1) (first list2))
              (append list1 (cdr list2)))
             (else (error 'splice list1 list2))))
     ;;; where cyclicsplice is the result of leaving off the last element of
     ;;; splice(list1,list2).
     (define (cyclicsplice list1 list2)
       (cond ((and (eq? (last1 list1) (first list2))
                   (eq? (first list1) (last1 list2)))
              (butlast (splice list1 list2) 1))
             (else (error 'cyclicsplice list1 list2))))
     (N*N (S a b) (S a b)) => (m a b)

  Then register the rule for multiplying type N objects by type N

     (cring:define-rule '* 'N 'N N*N))

  Now we are ready to compute!

     (define (t)
       (define detM
         (+ (* (S g b)
               (+ (* (S f d)
                     (- (* (S a f) (S d g)) (* (S a g) (S d f))))
                  (* (S f f)
                     (- (* (S a g) (S d d)) (* (S a d) (S d g))))
                  (* (S f g)
                     (- (* (S a d) (S d f)) (* (S a f) (S d d))))))
            (* (S g d)
               (+ (* (S f b)
                     (- (* (S a g) (S d f)) (* (S a f) (S d g))))
                  (* (S f f)
                     (- (* (S a b) (S d g)) (* (S a g) (S d b))))
                  (* (S f g)
                     (- (* (S a f) (S d b)) (* (S a b) (S d f))))))
            (* (S g f)
               (+ (* (S f b)
                     (- (* (S a d) (S d g)) (* (S a g) (S d d))))
                  (* (S f d)
                     (- (* (S a g) (S d b)) (* (S a b) (S d g))))
                  (* (S f g)
                     (- (* (S a b) (S d d)) (* (S a d) (S d b))))))
            (* (S g g)
               (+ (* (S f b)
                     (- (* (S a f) (S d d)) (* (S a d) (S d f))))
                  (* (S f d)
                     (- (* (S a b) (S d f)) (* (S a f) (S d b))))
                  (* (S f f)
                     (- (* (S a d) (S d b)) (* (S a b) (S d d))))))))
       (* (S b e) (S c a) (S e c)
     (pretty-print (t))
     (- (+ (m a c e b d f g)
           (m a c e b d g f)
           (m a c e b f d g)
           (m a c e b f g d)
           (m a c e b g d f)
           (m a c e b g f d))
        (* 2 (m a b e c) (m d f g))
        (* (m a c e b d) (m f g))
        (* (m a c e b f) (m d g))
        (* (m a c e b g) (m d f)))

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