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List construction

 - Function: make-list k
 - Function: make-list k init
     `make-list' creates and returns a list of K elements.  If INIT is
     included, all elements in the list are initialized to INIT.

          (make-list 3)
             => (#<unspecified> #<unspecified> #<unspecified>)
          (make-list 5 'foo)
             => (foo foo foo foo foo)

 - Function: list* obj1 obj2 ...
     Works like `list' except that the cdr of the last pair is the last
     argument unless there is only one argument, when the result is
     just that argument.  Sometimes called `cons*'.  E.g.:
          (list* 1)
             => 1
          (list* 1 2 3)
             => (1 2 . 3)
          (list* 1 2 '(3 4))
             => (1 2 3 4)
          (list* ARGS '())
             == (list ARGS)

 - Function: copy-list lst
     `copy-list' makes a copy of LST using new pairs and returns it.
     Only the top level of the list is copied, i.e., pairs forming
     elements of the copied list remain `eq?' to the corresponding
     elements of the original; the copy is, however, not `eq?' to the
     original, but is `equal?' to it.

          (copy-list '(foo foo foo))
             => (foo foo foo)
          (define q '(foo bar baz bang))
          (define p q)
          (eq? p q)
             => #t
          (define r (copy-list q))
          (eq? q r)
             => #f
          (equal? q r)
             => #t
          (define bar '(bar))
          (eq? bar (car (copy-list (list bar 'foo))))
          => #t

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