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Lists as sequences

 - Function: position obj lst
     `position' returns the 0-based position of OBJ in LST, or `#f' if
     OBJ does not occur in LST.

          (position 'foo '(foo bar baz bang))
             => 0
          (position 'baz '(foo bar baz bang))
             => 2
          (position 'oops '(foo bar baz bang))
             => #f

 - Function: reduce p lst
     `reduce' combines all the elements of a sequence using a binary
     operation (the combination is left-associative).  For example,
     using `+', one can add up all the elements.  `reduce' allows you to
     apply a function which accepts only two arguments to more than 2
     objects.  Functional programmers usually refer to this as "foldl".
     `collect:reduce' (Note: Collections) provides a version of
     `collect' generalized to collections.

          (reduce + '(1 2 3 4))
             => 10
          (define (bad-sum . l) (reduce + l))
          (bad-sum 1 2 3 4)
             == (reduce + (1 2 3 4))
             == (+ (+ (+ 1 2) 3) 4)
          => 10
             == (reduce + ())
             => ()
          (reduce string-append '("hello" "cruel" "world"))
             == (string-append (string-append "hello" "cruel") "world")
             => "hellocruelworld"
          (reduce anything '())
             => ()
          (reduce anything '(x))
             => x

     What follows is a rather non-standard implementation of `reverse'
     in terms of `reduce' and a combinator elsewhere called "C".

          ;;; Contributed by Jussi Piitulainen (jpiitula @
          (define commute
            (lambda (f)
              (lambda (x y)
                (f y x))))
          (define reverse
            (lambda (args)
              (reduce-init (commute cons) '() args)))

 - Function: reduce-init p init lst
     `reduce-init' is the same as reduce, except that it implicitly
     inserts INIT at the start of the list.  `reduce-init' is preferred
     if you want to handle the null list, the one-element, and lists
     with two or more elements consistently.  It is common to use the
     operator's idempotent as the initializer.  Functional programmers
     usually call this "foldl".

          (define (sum . l) (reduce-init + 0 l))
          (sum 1 2 3 4)
             == (reduce-init + 0 (1 2 3 4))
             == (+ (+ (+ (+ 0 1) 2) 3) 4)
             => 10
             == (reduce-init + 0 '())
             => 0
          (reduce-init string-append "@" '("hello" "cruel" "world"))
          (string-append (string-append (string-append "@" "hello")
          => "@hellocruelworld"

     Given a differentiation of 2 arguments, `diff', the following will
     differentiate by any number of variables.
          (define (diff* exp . vars)
            (reduce-init diff exp vars))

          ;;; Real-world example:  Insertion sort using reduce-init.
          (define (insert l item)
            (if (null? l)
                (list item)
                (if (< (car l) item)
                    (cons (car l) (insert (cdr l) item))
                    (cons item l))))
          (define (insertion-sort l) (reduce-init insert '() l))
          (insertion-sort '(3 1 4 1 5)
             == (reduce-init insert () (3 1 4 1 5))
             == (insert (insert (insert (insert (insert () 3) 1) 4) 1) 5)
             == (insert (insert (insert (insert (3)) 1) 4) 1) 5)
             == (insert (insert (insert (1 3) 4) 1) 5)
             == (insert (insert (1 3 4) 1) 5)
             == (insert (1 1 3 4) 5)
             => (1 1 3 4 5)

 - Function: last lst n
     `last' returns the last N elements of LST.  N must be a
     non-negative integer.

          (last '(foo bar baz bang) 2)
             => (baz bang)
          (last '(1 2 3) 0)
             => 0

 - Function: butlast lst n
     `butlast' returns all but the last N elements of LST.

          (butlast '(a b c d) 3)
             => (a)
          (butlast '(a b c d) 4)
             => ()

`last' and `butlast' split a list into two parts when given identical
     (last '(a b c d e) 2)
        => (d e)
     (butlast '(a b c d e) 2)
        => (a b c)

 - Function: nthcdr n lst
     `nthcdr' takes N `cdr's of LST and returns the result.  Thus
     `(nthcdr 3 LST)' == `(cdddr LST)'

          (nthcdr 2 '(a b c d))
             => (c d)
          (nthcdr 0 '(a b c d))
             => (a b c d)

 - Function: butnthcdr n lst
     `butnthcdr' returns all but the nthcdr N elements of LST.

          (butnthcdr 3 '(a b c d))
             => (a b c)
          (butnthcdr 4 '(a b c d))
             => (a b c d)

`nthcdr' and `butnthcdr' split a list into two parts when given
identical arugments.
     (nthcdr 2 '(a b c d e))
        => (c d e)
     (butnthcdr 2 '(a b c d e))
        => (a b)

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