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  Most nontrivial programs contain databases: Makefiles, configure
scripts, file backup, calendars, editors, source revision control, CAD
systems, display managers, menu GUIs, games, parsers, debuggers,
profilers, and even error reporting are all rife with databases.  Coding
databases is such a common activity in programming that many may not be
aware of how often they do it.

  A database often starts as a dispatch in a program.  The author,
perhaps because of the need to make the dispatch configurable, the need
for correlating dispatch in other routines, or because of changes or
growth, devises a data structure to contain the information, a routine
for interpreting that data structure, and perhaps routines for
augmenting and modifying the stored data.  The dispatch must be
converted into this form and tested.

  The programmer may need to devise an interactive program for enabling
easy examination and modification of the information contained in this
database.  Often, in an attempt to foster modularity and avoid delays in
release, intermediate file formats for the database information are
devised.  It often turns out that users prefer modifying these
intermediate files with a text editor to using the interactive program
in order to do operations (such as global changes) not forseen by the
program's author.

  In order to address this need, the conscientious software engineer may
even provide a scripting language to allow users to make repetitive
database changes.  Users will grumble that they need to read a large
manual and learn yet another programming language (even if it _almost_
has language "xyz" syntax) in order to do simple configuration.

  All of these facilities need to be designed, coded, debugged,
documented, and supported; often causing what was very simple in concept
to become a major developement project.

  This view of databases just outlined is somewhat the reverse of the
view of the originators of the "Relational Model" of database
abstraction.  The relational model was devised to unify and allow
interoperation of large multi-user databases running on diverse
platforms.  A fairly general purpose "Comprehensive Language" for
database manipulations is mandated (but not specified) as part of the
relational model for databases.

  One aspect of the Relational Model of some importance is that the
"Comprehensive Language" must be expressible in some form which can be
stored in the database.  This frees the programmer from having to make
programs data-driven in order to use a database.

  This package includes as one of its basic supported types Scheme
"expression"s.  This type allows expressions as defined by the Scheme
standards to be stored in the database.  Using `slib:eval' retrieved
expressions can be evaluated (in the top-level environment).  Scheme's
`lambda' facilitates closure of environments, modularity, etc. so that
procedures (which could not be stored directly most databases) can
still be effectively retrieved.  Since `slib:eval' evaluates
expressions in the top-level environment, built-in and user defined
procedures can be easily accessed by name.

  This package's purpose is to standardize (through a common interface)
database creation and usage in Scheme programs.  The relational model's
provision for inclusion of language expressions as data as well as the
description (in tables, of course) of all of its tables assures that
relational databases are powerful enough to assume the roles currently
played by thousands of ad-hoc routines and data formats.

Such standardization to a relational-like model brings many benefits:

   * Tables, fields, domains, and types can be dealt with by name in

   * The underlying database implementation can be changed (for
     performance or other reasons) by changing a single line of code.

   * The formats of tables can be easily extended or changed without
     altering code.

   * Consistency checks are specified as part of the table descriptions.
     Changes in checks need only occur in one place.

   * All the configuration information which the developer wishes to
     group together is easily grouped, without needing to change
     programs aware of only some of these tables.

   * Generalized report generators, interactive entry programs, and
     other database utilities can be part of a shared library.  The
     burden of adding configurability to a program is greatly reduced.

   * Scheme is the "comprehensive language" for these databases.
     Scripting for configuration no longer needs to be in a separate
     language with additional documentation.

   * Scheme's latent types mesh well with the strict typing and logical
     requirements of the relational model.

   * Portable formats allow easy interchange of data.  The included
     table descriptions help prevent misinterpretation of format.

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