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Plotting on Character Devices

  `(require 'charplot)'

  The plotting procedure is made available through the use of the
`charplot' package.  `charplot' is loaded by inserting `(require
'charplot)' before the code that uses this procedure.

 - Variable: charplot:height
     The number of rows to make the plot vertically.

 - Variable: charplot:width
     The number of columns to make the plot horizontally.

 - Procedure: plot! coords x-label y-label
     COORDS is a list of pairs of x and y coordinates.  X-LABEL and
     Y-LABEL are strings with which to label the x and y axes.

          (require 'charplot)
          (set! charplot:height 19)
          (set! charplot:width 45)
          (define (make-points n)
            (if (zero? n)
                (cons (cons (/ n 6) (sin (/ n 6))) (make-points (1- n)))))
          (plot! (make-points 37) "x" "Sin(x)")
            Sin(x)   ______________________________________________
                1.25|-                                             |
                    |                                              |
                   1|-       ****                                  |
                    |      **    **                                |
                0.75|-    *        *                               |
                    |    *          *                              |
                 0.5|-  *            *                             |
                    |  *                                           |
                0.25|-                *                            |
                    | *                *                           |
                    |                                     *        |
               -0.25|-                   *               *         |
                    |                     *             *          |
                -0.5|-                     *                       |
                    |                       *          *           |
               -0.75|-                       *        *            |
                    |                         **    **             |
                  -1|-                          ****               |
                  x              2           4           6

 - Procedure: plot-function! func x1 x2
 - Procedure: plot-function! func x1 x2 npts
     Plots the function of one argument FUNC over the range X1 to X2.
     If the optional integer argument NPTS is supplied, it specifies
     the number of points to evaluate FUNC at.

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