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Posix Time

     (require 'posix-time)

 - Data Type: Calendar-Time
     is a datatype encapsulating time.

 - Data Type: Coordinated Universal Time
     (abbreviated "UTC") is a vector of integers representing time:

       0.  seconds (0 - 61)

       1.  minutes (0 - 59)

       2.  hours since midnight (0 - 23)

       3.  day of month (1 - 31)

       4.  month (0 - 11).  Note difference from

       5.  the number of years since 1900.  Note difference from

       6.  day of week (0 - 6)

       7.  day of year (0 - 365)

       8.  1 for daylight savings, 0 for regular time

 - Function: gmtime caltime
     Converts the calendar time CALTIME to UTC and returns it.

 - Function: localtime caltime tz
     Returns CALTIME converted to UTC relative to timezone TZ.

 - Function: localtime caltime
     converts the calendar time CALTIME to a vector of integers
     expressed relative to the user's time zone.  `localtime' sets the
     variable *TIMEZONE* with the difference between Coordinated
     Universal Time (UTC) and local standard time in seconds (Note:

 - Function: gmktime univtime
     Converts a vector of integers in GMT Coordinated Universal Time
     (UTC) format to a calendar time.

 - Function: mktime univtime
     Converts a vector of integers in local Coordinated Universal Time
     (UTC) format to a calendar time.

 - Function: mktime univtime tz
     Converts a vector of integers in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
     format (relative to time-zone TZ) to calendar time.

 - Function: asctime univtime
     Converts the vector of integers CALTIME in Coordinated Universal
     Time (UTC) format into a string of the form `"Wed Jun 30 21:49:08

 - Function: gtime caltime
 - Function: ctime caltime
 - Function: ctime caltime tz
     Equivalent to `(asctime (gmtime CALTIME))', `(asctime (localtime
     CALTIME))', and `(asctime (localtime CALTIME TZ))', respectively.

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