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  `(require 'srfi-1)'

Implements the "SRFI-1" "list-processing library" as described at


 - Function: xcons d a
     `(define (xcons d a) (cons a d))'.

 - Function: list-tabulate len proc
     Returns a list of length LEN.  Element I is `(PROC I)' for 0 <= I
     < LEN.

 - Function: cons* obj1 obj2

 - Function: iota count start step
 - Function: iota count start
 - Function: iota count
     Returns a list of COUNT numbers: (START, START+STEP, ...,

 - Function: circular-list obj1 obj2 ...
     Returns a circular list of OBJ1, OBJ2, ....


 - Function: proper-list? obj

 - Function: circular-list? x

 - Function: dotted-list? obj

 - Function: null-list? obj

 - Function: not-pair? obj

 - Function: list= =pred list ...


 - Function: first pair
 - Function: fifth obj
 - Function: sixth obj
 - Function: seventh obj
 - Function: eighth obj
 - Function: ninth obj
 - Function: tenth obj

 - Function: car+cdr pair

 - Function: take lst k
 - Function: drop lst k

 - Function: take-right lst k

 - Function: split-at lst k

 - Function: last lst
     (car (last-pair lst))


 - Function: length+ obj

 - Function: concatenate lists
 - Function: concatenate! lists

 - Function: reverse! lst

 - Function: append-reverse rev-head tail
 - Function: append-reverse! rev-head tail

 - Function: zip list1 list2 ...

 - Function: unzip1 lst
 - Function: unzip2 lst
 - Function: unzip3 lst
 - Function: unzip4 lst
 - Function: unzip5 lst

 - Function: count pred list1 list2 ...

Fold and Unfold

Filtering and Partitioning


 - Function: find pred list

 - Function: find-tail pred list

 - Function: member obj list pred
 - Function: member obj list
     `member' returns the first sublist of LIST whose car is OBJ, where
     the sublists of LIST are the non-empty lists returned by
     (list-tail LIST K) for K less than the length of LIST.  If OBJ
     does not occur in LIST, then #f (not the empty list) is returned.
     The procedure PRED is used for testing equality.  If PRED is not
     provided, `equal?' is used.


Association lists

 - Function: assoc obj alist pred
 - Function: assoc obj alist
     ALIST (for "association list") must be a list of pairs.  These
     procedures find the first pair in ALIST whose car field is OBJ, and
     returns that pair.  If no pair in ALIST has OBJ as its car, then #f
     (not the empty list) is returned.  The procedure PRED is used for
     testing equality.  If PRED is not provided, `equal?' is used.

Set operations

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