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Topological Sort

  `(require 'topological-sort)' or `(require 'tsort)'

The algorithm is inspired by Cormen, Leiserson and Rivest (1990)
`Introduction to Algorithms', chapter 23.

 - Function: tsort dag pred
 - Function: topological-sort dag pred
          is a list of sublists.  The car of each sublist is a vertex.
          The cdr is the adjacency list of that vertex, i.e. a list of
          all vertices to which there exists an edge from the car

          is one of `eq?', `eqv?', `equal?', `=', `char=?',
          `char-ci=?', `string=?', or `string-ci=?'.

     Sort the directed acyclic graph DAG so that for every edge from
     vertex U to V, U will come before V in the resulting list of

     Time complexity: O (|V| + |E|)

     Example (from Cormen):
          Prof. Bumstead topologically sorts his clothing when getting
          dressed.  The first argument to `tsort' describes which
          garments he needs to put on before others.  (For example,
          Prof Bumstead needs to put on his shirt before he puts on his
          tie or his belt.)  `tsort' gives the correct order of

          (require 'tsort)
          (tsort '((shirt tie belt)
                   (tie jacket)
                   (belt jacket)
                   (pants shoes belt)
                   (undershorts pants shoes)
                   (socks shoes))
          (socks undershorts pants shoes watch shirt belt tie jacket)

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