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( Restoration

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Using the Restore Script

     _(This message will disappear, once this node revised.)_

     *Warning:* The GNU `tar' distribution does _not_ provide any such
     `restore' script yet.  This section is only listed here for
     documentation maintenance purposes.  In any case, all contents is
     subject to change as things develop.

   To restore files that were archived using a scripted backup, use the
`restore' script.  The syntax for the script is:

   where ***** are the file systems to restore from, and ***** is a
regular expression which specifies which files to restore.  If you
specify -all, the script restores all the files in the file system.

   You should start the restore script with the media containing the
first volume of the archive mounted.  The script will prompt for other
volumes as they are needed.  If the archive is on tape, you don't need
to rewind the tape to to its beginning--if the tape head is positioned
past the beginning of the archive, the script will rewind the tape as

   If you specify `--all' as the FILES argument, the `restore' script
extracts all the files in the archived file system into the active file

     *Warning:* The script will delete files from the active file
     system if they were not in the file system when the archive was

   Note: Inc Dumps, and Note: Inc Dumps, for an explanation of how
the script makes that determination.

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