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Tape Positions and Tape Marks

     _(This message will disappear, once this node revised.)_

   Just as archives can store more than one file from the file system,
tapes can store more than one archive file.  To keep track of where
archive files (or any other type of file stored on tape) begin and end,
tape archive devices write magnetic "tape marks" on the archive media.
Tape drives write one tape mark between files, two at the end of all
the file entries.

   If you think of data as a series of records "rrrr"'s, and tape marks
as "*"'s, a tape might look like the following:


   Tape devices read and write tapes using a read/write "tape head"--a
physical part of the device which can only access one point on the tape
at a time.  When you use `tar' to read or write archive data from a
tape device, the device will begin reading or writing from wherever on
the tape the tape head happens to be, regardless of which archive or
what part of the archive the tape head is on.  Before writing an
archive, you should make sure that no data on the tape will be
overwritten (unless it is no longer needed).  Before reading an
archive, you should make sure the tape head is at the beginning of the
archive you want to read.  (The `restore' script will find the archive
automatically.  Note: mt, for an explanation of the tape moving

   If you want to add new archive file entries to a tape, you should
advance the tape to the end of the existing file entries, backspace
over the last tape mark, and write the new archive file.  If you were
to add two archives to the example above, the tape might look like the


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