Format with `texi2dvi'
The `texi2dvi' command automatically runs both `tex' and `texindex'
as many times as necessary to produce a DVI file with sorted indices
and all cross-references resolved. It simplifies the
`tex'--`texindex'--`tex'--`tex' sequence described in the previous
To run `texi2dvi' on an input file `foo.texi', do this (where
`prompt$ ' is your shell prompt):
prompt$ texi2dvi foo.texi
As shown in this example, the input filenames to `texi2dvi' must
include any extension (`.texi', `.texinfo', etc.). Under MS-DOS and
perhaps in other circumstances, you may need to run `sh texi2dvi
foo.texi' instead of relying on the operating system to invoke the
shell on the `texi2dvi' script.
Perhaps the most useful option to `texi2dvi' is `--texinfo=CMD'.
This inserts CMD on a line by itself after the `@setfilename' in a
temporary copy of the input file before running TeX. With this, you
can specify different printing formats, such as `@smallbook' (Note:smallbook), `@afourpaper' (Note:A4 Paper), or `@pagesizes' (Note:pagesizes), without actually changing the document source. (You can
also do this on a site-wide basis with `texinfo.cnf'; Note:Preparing
for TeX.).
For a list of other options, run `texi2dvi --help'.