GNU Info

Info Node: (texinfo)Node Line Tips

(texinfo)Node Line Tips

Next: Node Line Requirements Prev: Writing a Node Up: node
Enter node , (file) or (file)node

`@node' Line Tips

  Here are three suggestions:

   * Try to pick node names that are informative but short.

     In the Info file, the file name, node name, and pointer names are
     all inserted on one line, which may run into the right edge of the
     window.  (This does not cause a problem with Info, but is ugly.)

   * Try to pick node names that differ from each other near the
     beginnings of their names.  This way, it is easy to use automatic
     name completion in Info.

   * By convention, node names are capitalized just as they would be for
     section or chapter titles--initial and significant words are
     capitalized; others are not.

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