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(texinfo)Sample Include File

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Sample File with `@include'

  Here is an example of a complete outer Texinfo file with `@include'
files within it before running `texinfo-multiple-files-update', which
would insert a main or master menu:

     \input texinfo @c -*-texinfo-*-
     @settitle Include Example
     @setchapternewpage odd
     @sp 12
     @center @titlefont{Include Example}
     @sp 2
     @center by Whom Ever
     @vskip 0pt plus 1filll
     Copyright @copyright{} 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
     @end titlepage
     @node Top, First, , (dir)
     @top Master Menu
     @end ifinfo
     @include foo.texinfo
     @include bar.texinfo
     @include concept-index.texinfo

  An included file, such as `foo.texinfo', might look like this:

     @node First, Second, , Top
     @chapter First Chapter
     Contents of first chapter ...

  The full contents of `concept-index.texinfo' might be as simple as

     @node Concept Index
     @unnumbered Concept Index
     @printindex cp

  The outer Texinfo source file for `The GNU Emacs Lisp Reference
Manual' is named `elisp.texi'.  This outer file contains a master menu
with 417 entries and a list of 41 `@include' files.

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