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Info Node: (texinfo)Tree Structuring

(texinfo)Tree Structuring

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Tree Structure of Sections

  A Texinfo file is usually structured like a book with chapters,
sections, subsections, and the like.  This structure can be visualized
as a tree (or rather as an upside-down tree) with the root at the top
and the levels corresponding to chapters, sections, subsection, and

  Here is a diagram that shows a Texinfo file with three chapters, each
of which has two sections.

             |                  |                  |
          Chapter 1          Chapter 2          Chapter 3
             |                  |                  |
          --------           --------           --------
         |        |         |        |         |        |
      Section  Section   Section  Section   Section  Section
        1.1      1.2       2.1      2.2       3.1      3.2

  In a Texinfo file that has this structure, the beginning of Chapter 2
looks like this:

     @node    Chapter 2,  Chapter 3, Chapter 1, top
     @chapter Chapter 2

  The chapter structuring commands are described in the sections that
follow; the `@node' and `@menu' commands are described in following
chapters. (Note: Nodes, and see Note: Menus.)

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