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Info Node: (tramp)Filename Syntax

(tramp)Filename Syntax

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TRAMP filename conventions

To access the file LOCALNAME on the remote machine MACHINE you would
specify the filename `/MACHINE:LOCALNAME'.  This will connect to
MACHINE and transfer the file using the default method.  Note: Default

   Some examples of TRAMP filenames are shown below.

     Edit the file `.emacs' in your home directory on the machine

     This edits the same file, using the fully qualified domain name of
     the machine.

     This also edits the same file -- the `~' is expanded to your home
     directory on the remote machine, just like it is locally.

     This edits the file `.emacs' in the home directory of the user
     `daniel' on the machine `melancholia'. The `~<user>' construct is
     expanded to the home directory of that user on the remote machine.

     This edits the file `/etc/squid.conf' on the machine `melancholia'.

   Unless you specify a different name to use, TRAMP will use the
current local user name as the remote user name to log in with. If you
need to log in as a different user, you can specify the user name as
part of the filename.

   To log in to the remote machine as a specific user, you use the
syntax `/USER@MACHINE:/PATH/TO.FILE'.  That means that connecting to
`melancholia' as `daniel' and editing `.emacs' in your home directory
you would specify `/daniel@melancholia:.emacs'.

   It is also possible to specify other file transfer methods (Note:
Default Method) as part of the filename.  This is done by putting the
method before the user and host name, as in
`/METHOD:' (Note the trailing colon).  The user, machine and file
specification remain the same.

   So, to connect to the machine `melancholia' as `daniel', using the
`ssh' method to transfer files, and edit `.emacs' in my home directory
I would specify the filename `/ssh:daniel@melancholia:.emacs'.

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